Thursday, March 31, 2011

{this moment}

"{this moment} is a Friday ritual inspired by SouleMama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trouble Sleeping

It's midnight during a full moon. I'm standing alone on the water's edge of the ocean. I'm wearing a billowing white gown and can feel the wind whipping my wavy hair around my face. I can feel the stickiness of the humidity and taste the salt on my lips. I feel the cool water as it rushes over my feet. I feel the water recede. In my mind, I know there is a pier less than half a mile away to my north. Behind, unseen, are the condos where tourists come to enjoy their summer vacations. No one is in them. No one is on the pier. It's just me. The night. The moon. The ocean. The wind. I feel the water... it is progressing and receding in time with my breath. As I am breathing in, the ocean is taking back its precious water. As I exhale, the waves are crashing down and coming upon the beach. Breathe in... breathe out. in... out... in... out...


This is what I see as I'm falling asleep. It is what helps to settle me. It stops my brain from thinking about anything else. I love this scene. Unfortunately, lately, it hasn't been working. I can replay this image over and over in my head. I can concentrate in excess of 30 minutes on my breathing alone, and I'm still awake, two hours later. It took me until 4 o'clock in the morning and two Tylenol PM's to get me to finally fall asleep last night/this morning.

I love my sleep as much as the next person, but I'm not necessarily the most irritable if I don't get it. I'm more irritable if I attempt to take a nap, get to sleep, only to be awoken 15 minutes later. I generally can function just fine on roughly 4 hours of sleep, but here lately, I'm not even getting that. I just can't seem to get my brain to stop moving. It is so frustrating to want to sleep and you can't stop thinking about it long enough to actually fall asleep. I've got out caffeine. I don't get all worked up in the evenings. If I play a video game or something, I make sure I have ample time to calm down before I try to fall asleep.

I'm sure that stress is the main culprit here. And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it until it wants to be handled. I'm hoping that tonight I will be able to sleep more soundly and get there faster, but only time will tell.

Good night!

Yarn Along {2}

Its been an interesting few weeks. I was able to finish the scarf rather quickly and was so excited about how it turned out, I wore it the very next day! I got lots of compliments and when I told them I made it, everyone seemed surprised. One, no one knew I crocheted so two, they all thought I bought it at Target. I do really like it. My daughter, who is only three, tells me I'm "stylish". LOL
Within the past few weeks I traveled north (Washington State)to see my in-laws with my recently returned-from-deployment husband. I was able to finish my Supernanny book, start and finish another, and I'm actually on my third right now. The second book, A Dog's Purpose, by W. Bruce Cameron was a very cute book. It's told through the eyes of a dog who is reincarnated multiple times, trying to find his purpose in life. It made me love my two pups that much more! The third book is a comedic romance novel. Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots by Luann McLane has turned out to much more comedy than romance, and I like that. The author is telling her story in such a charming way that I can't help but to smile as I read it. I'm almost through with this book, and I have no idea what is on my reading list next, but I know I've got lots to choose from in my home library.
Also, while in Washington, I crocheted a cute little lunch bag. Little may not be the right word actually. Without the handle it was about a foot tall. My mother-in-law is an avid tea drinker and has a special thermos for her tea that does fit in the typical square, insulated lunch totes. So, she's been using a gift bag. I saw this and decided that I would surprise her with a new tote made especially to fit her thermos. I had another project planned, so when we went to the craft store, she thought I was buying the yarn for the other project. When she questioned what I was making when she realized it was most definitely not a bag, I just simply said I felt like making a bag. It took about four days total to finish, but actual working time was probably close to 8 hours or so. I surprised her with it one morning, and luckily, she loved it. I believe she had no idea I was making the bag for her.
I also finished up a quilt I had been working on and off for over a year. It was a birthday gift for my sister-in-law, and she loved her little gift as well. Unfortunately, I was in such a rush to get it finished, I didn't get a chance to get any pictures of it. I have asked if she'll send me some pictures so I can post them up. It turned out quite nicely.
As of right now, I don't have any specific craft projects in mind that HAVE to get done. I've got a projects list, but who knows what crafts are going to get done when. Only time will tell, and the next yarn along will have all the new details.
Happy yarning!