Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Sunday Times

I think that's what I'll call all my Sunday reports.

Its been an off and on kinda week. Nothing really to report about Tom. He's still in AZ. We talk probably every other day, and even then, we're not talking about much. He's been really good about being patient with me while I vent.

Ellie is still enjoying school, but isn't too fond of the morning "routine." You see, getting up isn't the problem. I don't have to wake her up super early, and in fact, she's normally the one waking me up. The problem is she is so used to sitting around and doing a whole lot of nothing in the mornings that now, when I'm telling her she needs to get dressed and I need to fix her hair, she's not too thrilled. She's getting used to it, ever so slowly.

I made it through my first week of school. I've realized my schedule is, in a word, annoying. I've got way too much free time, and while I'm feeling as crappy as I am, that's not a good thing. Granted, it was just the first week of school, but its not just that. Its the actual schedule. I should have thought it through a little better. I guess I'm getting it used to it too.

Monday, August 22, 2011

6 weeks

Holy jeebus! This past week was an "eye opener." Not sure how big this baby is gonna be, but he/she sure is making some room down there. Not to mention he/she won't let me eat anything without me getting sick. Not even water! I know women go through morning sickness. I know its normal. I thought I was one of the lucky ones who didn't because I didn't with Ellie. Absolutely and totally wrong. Luckily, so far, I haven't had to throw up. Just feel like it.

I have found a couple of things that haven't made me ridiculously nauseous. A frosty from Wendy's. It was the very first thing I have even seen so far that looked even slightly appetizing, so of course I thought I'd give it a try. I ate my lunch first to get the protein down, and once that was down, I didn't want anything. I forced myself to eat the frosty. And believe it or not, it not only didn't make me nauseous, but it helped to get rid of the nausea I was already feeling! Hooray for frosties! A friend also gave me the suggestion to drink my water ice cold, which I normally hate (the temperature hurts my teeth). I tried it, and it definitely doesn't both my stomach as much as cool water. I have found that most foods that are in their natural state (fruits and veggies) don't affect my stomach as much either. By the way this is going, I'll be a vegetarian by the end of this pregnancy.

I know that normally, the first trimester is the worst, so here's hoping to a very quick 6 to 8 weeks! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The last week before school

This past week had its ups and downs. Most of the downs are just me getting used to being pregnant, and I guess that isn't so bad. I didn't accomplish much though. I bought my school books, which cost me just shy of the first born (Ellie was saved!). I keep telling myself that its all worth it... but man, when that cash register rung up those prices, YOWZA! I officially start my classes tomorrow (Monday, August 22) and I'll be taking an Education class, a Math class (its actually a "how to teach math" math class), a photography class, an English class, and finally a Biology class. That last class will be online though, to kinda ease to the workload... I hope. I'm realizing I post all of this information on a previous entry, so... sorry!

Tom is doing well. He's in Fort Huachuca, Arizona now and seems to be alright. He's really been working on losing weight and from what he's told me, he's doing a great job. I'm really proud of him. He had a goal and he's already met it, within two weeks. I wish I had more to report for him, but being that he's not here, and our conversations are normally short at the end of the night, that's about all I've got. Oh, he did mention he found nerdy buddies to help him pass the time, so at least he's got an outlet for that! :)

Ellie started her "school." She absolutely loved it! She didn't cry when I left and she didn't throw a fit about leaving at the end of the day either. It was wonderful. There was actually a small party that day because a couple of the children there weren't going to be coming back (or something) so they had a little party. Ellie was included and had a great time. She was talking about it all the way home and for the rest of the night. She'll be in "school" every week day, and honestly, I think the structure is something she's been craving. Not to mention all the social interaction with other kids, and other adults for that matter. She's definitely looking forward to going back to school tomorrow.

I think that about covers everything for now. I'm trying not to divulge too much into the other topics that I write about on different days, such as the pregnancy and the crafts I'm working on. I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

{this moment}

A Friday ritual (thanks to SouleMama.) A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yarn Along {Three}

I'm back on track and linking up with Ginny's Yarn Along. Its a bunch of fellow needle workers compiling their projects and what they're reading that week.

As for me, I am making progress on those socks! I got tired of working on the cuff, so its shorter than the pattern says, but I really don't think it'll make that much of a difference. Have I mentioned how much I love self striping yarn? Ellie asks me every day if she can see my sock, and being the great and "supportive" kid that she is always tells me what a great job I'm doing.

As for what I'm reading, I'm kinda all over the place. I've got a few pregnancy books keeping me occupied, but the one I'm reading the most frequently would Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn by Penny Simkin (P.T), Janet Whalley (R.N., B.S.N), and Ann Keppler (R.N., M.N.). A friend loaned the book to me and I'm gathering lots of information. It helps that its not "hard" to read.

That's it for this yarn along. I do believe I'll be able to update with more of my sock project and possibly a blanket that's been on hold for dang near close to ever. Okay, that's a little bit of an exaggeration. I started it close to the beginning of last year, but that seems like forever ago!

I hope you enjoyed my yarn along and you should take a look at what's going over at Ginny's!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scary Mommy says it best

When it comes to really putting it how it is, the best Blog I read is Scary Mommy. She's hilarious and honest.

Here's her take on being "Super Mom". I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did! You can't help reading her blogs without a smile of complete understanding.

Monday, August 15, 2011

5 weeks

This early in there isn't much to report. I got the first of this pregnancy's picture. I saw a nutritionist today and she said a healthy weight gain for this pregnancy is 15-20 lbs. :( I'm in trouble! LOL

I'm also thinking I'm going to show sooner with this one than I did with Ellie (close to 5 months before I even STARTED getting the baby belly). I'm getting those oh-so-wonderful ligament pains letting me know my body's adjusting to my orange-seed-sized baby. My question is, How much room could he/she possibly need already for me to have an almost steady feeling of "growing"? :)

My Choice

We are all entitled to our choices. Simple things like which percentage milk to buy at the grocery store, when you think the best time to put your children to bed is, how much you let your kid "get away with," what's for dinner. Then there are more important choices that need to be made. Is it time for another baby? What do we do when the next deployment rolls around? Should I go back to school?

Right now I'm in the cross-hairs when it comes to a choice I am making. I am choosing to have a natural childbirth. I am choosing to have my baby in the comforts of birth center or even within my own home. I do not want an OB working on my "case." I do not want to deal with the hospital scene. Don't get me wrong. Doctors are wonderful! I would not have had my daughter if it wasn't for medical intervention. BUT, the chance of me having another breech child is pretty slim.

I have never been one to flow with the current. I make my own decision not based on what the media says is the best thing, or because its been done that way for so long it's the "right" way. I make my decisions based on what I feel is right. My parents have always admired this quality in me, even if it has bitten them in the butt a few times.

Complications can happen. I know this. I'm not naive. I know there is a chance something could go wrong. I know that in the case that something does goes wrong, the safest place to be would be the hospital (credit to those doctors again). I am doing research almost on a daily basis of home births and the use of midwives. I am not a naturalist. I do not "go green" with every aspect of my life. I drive to the store that's not even a half mile away. I take extra long showers (if the kiddo lets me). I don't recycle religiously. I've made my own carbon footprint, and I'm okay with it. But, when it comes to my child being born, I want to go through the testament. I want to experience the emotional roller coaster that a woman has to endure in order to birth her child.

Why should I feel made to feel bad about my decision against make my labor "easy" ??? Americans are constantly seen as the lazy and the spoiled. I fit the bill. But, I want to work for my child. Before we decided to have children, I didn't want any. Once the decision was made though, my entire outlook changed. As soon as I found out I pregnant with Ellie, I knew immediately that I wanted a natural childbirth. I wanted to do what so many of the women before me had done, quite successfully I might had. I did not want a home birth though. I thought it was messy and I didn't want any of that in my home. I took what my insurance company gave me, and in the end, I got my baby.

Now, I'm pregnant again. No one really seems to be against the idea of me giving birth naturally (medicine-free). They think I'm crazy for not wanting the medicine, but it's my choice. But, when it comes to having a child outside of the hospital, that's wrong. You don't birth children in your home. That's from the "old country" and in communes here. Its taboo. The chance of me actually getting what I want in a hospital is just as slim as me having another breech child. You will, without a doubt, get a Hep-loc to start with. Since that's in, getting you any medication to "take the edge off", speed up contractions because they're not happening as fast as the hospital would like (you're occupying a room, meaning less "clients"), or whatever other needs the hospital has just became a lot easier. Quick connection and there you go.

For example. I'm in the hospital. I'm using an OB. My contractions aren't progressing fast enough. I get a dose of pitocin. My chances of having a successful VBAC just dropped. Pitocin not only brings on contractions, they strengthen and lengthen the contractions to heights not normally meet. Oh, it does exactly what it says it does. The stronger contractions now pose a risk for uterine rupture and another c-section in my case.

A excerpt from one of the books I'm reading...
"My wife knew she wanted to have a baby naturally. I was worried. I thought, "Why? We have hospitals and medicines to provide comfort. Why turn it away?" My wife told me she just wanted the right to try. This changed my thinking forever. I would not be a roadblock, because my wife should have the right to try and do what her body was designed to do."

This is my choice. If you don't like it, fine. But please don't expect me to constantly defend myself. If you want to be educated, I will tell you what I know, and what I'm finding out.

Here are a couple sites that have the most accessible information for those wanting it.
American Pregnancy: Using a Midwife
American Pregnancy: Home birth
Baby Center: Planning a Home Birth

Sunday, August 14, 2011

we're all okay

Quite literally.

I've already filled you all in about what's been up with me. So here is a quick update about the rest of the family.

He's patiently waiting on his promotion. He's actually in Sierra Vista, Arizona, receiving more specializing training concerning leadership within his field. He seems to enjoy it well enough. We should be PCS'ing (moving in military terms) in the latter half of the winter, but we don't know where yet. I'm really pushing for anywhere on the East Coast but would be very happy to get Bragg (only 5 hours from home) or ecstatically happy to get Meade or another DC Metro area post. Here's hoping.

She is getting to be so big now! I swear, she is so tall! She's only an inch or two shorter than her 5-year-old cousin! And so freakin adorable some days. Don't get me wrong, she's too much my child to not give me problems. :) I can't believe she'll be FOUR in a matter of weeks (10 weeks actually). She's already giving us birthday and Christmas lists! I've been feeling like I've be stunting her intellectually with all the time I've needed to spend on my own school work, and I hate how easily she gets warped into the TV. (on an honest note, that has proven to be a useful distraction, i.e. how else do you think I could write this?) We just enrolled her in La Petite Academy. She's been telling everyone she's going to school. I love how excited she is!

Why oh why would I include my animals? Two reasons. (1) They are part of the family. (2) Inga and Koda are slowly giving me frustration lines. Here's why. I'm pretty sure they're trying to dig us a basement! They are constantly digging up the side of the house and its driving me batty. If we owned the house, this probably wouldn't phase me as much as it does. But, we're renting. So now, I HAVE to go get rock-filled dirt and then hopefully find some tactic to keep them away from the 4 major holes they've dug.

I'll keep everyone updated as the weeks pass.

Crafting... again

I've picked up the knitting needles again. This is my latest learn how-to. Socks. Yes, there are four needles. I was completely intimidated, but its turning out to be a little easier than I originally thought it would be. I'm still working on the cuff ribbing (approx 4 inches) and I'm told it goes much faster after that. I hope so. I honestly think this has been quite tedious. I really like the self-striping yarn I picked out.

I was also working on a cabled scarf, but I ran out of yarn, and of course I haven't found anymore locally. I've found some online, I just haven't bought it. I really like the scarf I'm making though. Hopefully I'll get more yarn soon so I'll be able to find come winter. Luckily, TX winters don't really start until late November. :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

School is driving me bonkers!!

I never thought the day would come! School used to be so easy for me. I'm not gloating, I promise. It just wasn't something I had to "work" on. A 10 year break can change things though.

I am currently a student at San Antonio College. I have already taken three physical classes and two online classes since the middle of May. I will say, I definitely prefer physical classes now.

My first class was the earlier half of American History with an absolutely wonderful teacher. He was great and really found a way to get me interested in history and how it connects with our current society. Luckily, I had him again for the second half of American History. The last physical class I had was Speech. I took it because I had to. Honestly. Anyone who knows me knows speaking is definitely not a weak spot for me. In my practice speech, where it was just my teacher and me, he actually told me he wishes he could help me, but that there was nothing I needed improvement on. Yes, gloating a little there, but it was a proud moment for me. I got A's in all those classes.

On to my online classes. Maybe taking two sciences at the same time wasn't my best idea, but at the time, I was thinking, I'm not a science fan... I need 4 science classes for my major... Let's knock two out this summer. So I took Chemistry and Geology. I do feel like I actually learned something from my geology class, but I learned NOTHING from my Chemistry class. It was more of a math refresher than anything. Everything I had to memorize was memorized just long enough to pass the tests. Between these two classes I was completely beat down. 40-60 pages of homework a week, 6-10 chapters to read each week, at least one paper, and discussion questions. Not to mention there was a quiz per chapter and a test per week. Basically, it was rough. By far the hardest time I've had (outside of learning Arabic, but that's a completely different story) with learning a subject. I am pretty sure my grade will be high B's in those classes, and honestly, I am more than happy with that!

As I said earlier, I am a student of SAC, but for Fall, I will be taking my classes at one of Alamo's sister schools, Northeast Lakeview College. Its considerably closer to my home and Ellie's daycare is only a three minute drive from campus, which is nice. My fall classes consist of Biology with a Lab, a Photography Class, the second portion of English Composition, an Education class, and a Math class for those in the Education field (learning how to teach math). I'm really looking forward to my classes, but am definitely enjoying my break right now. I don't start the classes until August 22nd, and then its back to work. Wish me luck!

And baby makes 4 :)

or 9 if you include my small zoo :) (Two dogs, a cat and two mice)

Thanks to First Response Prego Tester, here is the proof. We found out on August 5th, but kept it to ourselves (close friends and family excluded) until it was confirmed by the doc that following Monday.

I'm roughly 5 weeks. I have to go to a pregnancy "orientation" class before I get an actual due date, but it'll be mid April (ish). Tom and I are really excited as we've been trying for a couple months.
Ellie had said a number of times that she wants mommy to have a baby brother (meaning for her obviously). She didn't know that Mommy and Daddy were actually trying, but we'd play along. I think it was happening more so because one of my very dear friends, and one of Ellie's favorite people in the whole world, is pregnant.

Every time Ellie would bring it up, I'd simply say, "when God is ready for Mommy to have another baby, that's when it'll happen."

Here is the dialogue (more or less) of when I told Ellie I was pregnant:
Me: Guess what?
Ellie: What?
Me: Mommy has a baby in her belly! (said in a secret voice... because I was telling her a secret so she could tell above mentioned friend who was at the house)
Ellie: You do? God said it was time for you to have a baby brother?!
Me: He sure did!

Its was really cute and an absolutely priceless moment for me.

As of right now, I'm just tired, but not sleepy so much. More of a run-down kind of feeling. I get nauseous pretty easily too, but nothing major. I also noticed today that my moods are swinging a little bit more now. I'm hoping to take at least one picture so I'll have a starting pregnancy picture.

Oh, and for those of you reading this that haven't already heard, we're not finding out the sex of the baby until he or she is born. :)

My intentions are to give pregnancy updates either every or every other Monday. They won't always include pictures, but they will hopefully give people some insight to what's going on here with this munchkin.


Quick reader's digest updates:

We are expecting! Baby Haenke number 2 is on his/her way! I am due mid April, but with Tricare, I have to make an "orientation" appointment before I actually get a real due date. So, I'm almost 5 weeks right now.

I've finished classes 4 and 5, and couldn't be happier. It was, by far, some of the most intense school work I've EVER had to do.

I've picked up knitting again (for a pretty obvious) reason. Right now I'm teaching myself how to make socks. :)

I know, I've been horrible about staying up to date with my blog, and hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get everyone caught up. This was short and to the point. I just want to get it up there. The next three will be more descriptive of what's been going on. :)