Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010

Today was a really long day, but in a good way. There were so many positive things happening today, that it's going to take me a little bit to figure out what I really want to talk about. I need to make up for lost entries, so maybe I can spend some time talking about everything I've thinking about, but haven't written about.

Firstly, I know how grateful I am for my faith. My lenten promise was to spend some time every day for devotion to Him, and I haven't been able to keep my promise. He knows my intentions are well, He also knows how tired I am. I am constantly thinking about Him and what He would want me to do, what type of person I should be, so in that respect, I do have devotional time to Him. Just nothing official. Just my prayers and thoughts. I've accepted Him into my life, and I'm all the better for it.

I am also grateful for my daughter's ability to drive me crazy! I know that sounds absurd, but think about it. If she were always saying super cute things, they wouldn't seem as super cute, right? So with every evil there is a good, and I've found that in my daughter. (Although evil is a very harsh word, the point is made!) Her innocence and warm personality can bring me out of my darkest moods, and I'm so grateful that God blessed me with such an amazing child, and teacher.

Another thing that I want to point out is GOOGLE! I love Google. If it weren't for google, I would very rarely have any real time communication with Tom. The makers of Google are some really smart people and they have made one military spouse extremely happy. I'm able to send pictures, receive emails, chat, have video chats and what seems to be so much more. They have made my electronic and internet-base life so much easier that I would be rude of me to never include them in the numerous things I've found for which to be grateful.

The is the end of the second month of this journal, and I still believe that it was one of my better decisions to start this. Although my perspective and attitude is not positive 100% of the time, reflecting on the day helps me put my life in order. The past few weeks have been nonstop, and I haven't really had any time to reflect on my life and the things happening in and around it, leaving me restless. There have been numerous changes in my outlook that I feel like I'm turning into a better person. I don't feel as if my anger is encompassing me. I'm still easily frustrated, but when I'm doing all this reflection, and look back on the negatives as well as the positives. They say hindsight is 20/20, and let me say, I've got perfect vision! I'm learning from my mistakes. I might make them a few times, but I'm learning. And isn't that what life is? Just one lesson. One experience. One chance to be the best person you can be.

Positive thinking and negative thinking are attitudes. They are points of view, and show the way people handle their affairs.

-- from :

Good night.

February 27, 2010

Another entry the following morning...

This is going to be very quick. I'll make up for it with tonight's entry!

I am very grateful that my friends in Hawaii are safe from the oncoming tsunami, and that the earthquake that hit Afghanistan this morning didn't cause any damage to my husband's unit, or the local area. I'm also grateful that I had a very busy day, although I'm more grateful that God has given me the wisdom to know when I'm getting burnt out, and I'm there. I'm taking next month a little more leisurely!

I'm also very very grateful for friends like the Beely's. The kids are awesome. The hubby is a remarkable man, and the Momma is very quickly becoming an esteemed confidant. It'll be a sad day for me when they have to PCS later this year.

Good night (morning)!

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010

Firstly, I'd like to mention that I think the San Antonio allergies have finally made their way into my respiratory system. Secondly, I'd like to say I got to TALK to Tom tonight.

I had day two of my financial seminar today. Not only did I get another day of free food, but I left feeling as though I can control the financial situation of my future, AND I got to leave right after lunch. I was able to get my grocery shopping done sans baby, and that was major in and of itself. After that, I took them home, started to put them away, and got a phone call from my Pampered Chef consultant telling me how great my two web shows were doing. I picked Ellie up after that and we went out to dinner with Chuck, Lydia and Arthur. Of course the kids had a great time at the play place and we were all able to eat in peace.

The thing I'm grateful for though is simply being able to hear Tom's voice. And not the way you may be thinking. Yes, I did get to hear his voice over the phone, but what I'm talking about is actually a recording of his voice. He took time out of his schedule and recorded five of Ellie's favorite stories, so that on special occassions, Daddy could "read" to her. Little did he know, I love listening to those stories now. I close my eyes, and just listen to the cadence of his voice. Its so relaxing. I am very grateful that, even though he didn't really want to do it, he recorded those stories. I'm intending to put the stories on a CD that we can put in the car so she can listen to him in there as well, but I haven't made it that far.

Another thing I'm grateful is something very simple. During the seminar today, someone asked the group a question, and it has really put money into perspective. Here's the question, and hopefully it will impact at least one other person who might read this. "What would you do if you won tons and tons of money but knew you only had 45 years left to live? Now, what would you do if you won that same money, but found out you only had 5-10 years to live? Now, what if you found out you won that money, and the doc says you have 24 hours to live? What would you do? What is that money worth to you?"

Good night.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010

Well, I missed the last couple of days and I have no idea how that happened. Oh, now I remember. Tuesday night I didn't get home until 10pm, and after getting Ellie to bed I was wiped. Wednesday (last) night I was preparing everything I needed for the financial workshop I attended today because I knew it was going to be a really early day for me. Tonight, I knew I had to get my entry in before I started working on my Pampered Chef business or do any of the other little things that I do before bed.

I feel as though my life has started to maintain a balance. I feel that I'm lacking in my spiritual practices, but not in my faith. I am grateful that God has given me the opportunity to develop my personality, once again. People evolve and change and adapt as needed. I find it hard to believe that the person you are now will be the same person you will be in 20 and 40 years from now. Take my mother for instance. Now, granted the examples are from my childhood so they may be a little skewed. I tend to remember her always wanting to rest. I didn't understand what was stress was as a child, but looking back on it, I can tell that the emotions were reactions to stress and having three young children. Now, if you see her with any of the grand babies, its as if the stress is wiped clean. At least until the kids start destroying the house and incessantly disobeying. And I think that applies to all parents turned grandparents. The way they treat children is different. They have adapted to their new roles. I'm grateful that I've accepted my role as a stay at home mother, and am starting to enjoy all the time I can spend with Ellie. Even if it just while we're sitting together watching Dora or Diego.

Another thing that I've become grateful for is how easy it to come back from my temper meltdowns. I've never been the type of person to hold it in. And once it was out, I was normally in a bad mood for a while, days, weeks afterwards. Now, I've learned that Ellie has started to develop my temper and is getting frustrated easily with things. I have started to teach myself that it's okay to lose my temper, but I need to do it in private and be able to recoup quickly afterwards. For example, last night Ellie had to go potty. She didn't sit back far enough on the toilet and ended up peeing on the floor. I lost my temper (not so much at her... I didn't reprimand her), but I did let out an angry growl, if you will. It was loud and it scared Ellie. I immediately took a breath and calmed myself down. I held Ellie and told her that it wasn't her fault. That I was sorry I lost my temper. Her response: "It's okay Mommy. You want me to find it?" =) I love that little girl. Her innocence will brighten my day on my worst and darkest days.

Those are just a couple of things I thought I'd mention. There is actually more I'd like to write about, but I can feel a headache creeping on and want to sleep before it gets the better of me.

Good night.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

There are some days where I feel like I'm on top of the world. Other days, not so much. Today, I think I'm just watching the world turn. I've had a rather empowered feeling all day, and I'm not sure where it came from. Maybe it was from knowing that more people are interested in both of my home businesses. Maybe it was from accepting that Ellie will act her age. Maybe it was from mental rehersing. Who knows? I'm grateful for this feeling. I don't feel as though I need to go out and be in the middle of anything, yet I don't feel the need to sit back and let life happen. Proactive, yet relaxed. This is a good feeling. Maybe I'm starting to find my balance.

I just filled in my google calendar and realize that I really do enjoy staying busy. It helps me feel as though I'm not a stagnat house wife. I sat down this morning and really thought about all that I do around the house, and man, you couldn't pay me for this job! I think I'm going to come out of this deployment stronger and believe it or not, much more appreciative of the things Tom did help with around the house.

Anyway, I'm grateful that I have finally felt what a balanced day feels like.

"Work, love and play are the great balance wheels of man's being
--Orison Swett Marden

Good night.

February 21, 2010

(I am again writing on the following morning. I was too tired last night to stay up any later after taking care of my financial responsibilites.)

This morning I found out that Tom and I are not pregnant. Mind you, we didn't really want to be, so this is a good thing. We would've been happy either way, but were definitely leaning towards the "lets wait a little longer" side. I had gotten off birth control in hopes that my migranes would subside, even just a little. Unfortunately, we were tempting with the fates. I believe that God knew it would be just a little too much on my plate had I gotten pregnant. I trust His judgement before my own. I do know that we both want more, but we're waiting for a better time. There was a small, minute amount of disappointment, but it was a fleeting moment. I can stop worrying about it and get back to the things happening today!

I did have thoughts about whether or not I'm able to have more children. There has been nothing to suggest that I can't have more children, but doesn't every mother who wants more children in her life wonder that at some point or another. I pray that I'm able, but I also look at Ellie and realize that I'm already luckier than quite a number of women. Some women will never be able to bear a child of their own. So even if it's just, I'm a very happy and blessed mother.

"With what price we pay for the glory of motherhood." ~Isadora Duncan

Good night.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20, 2010

So, just thought I'd point this out. It's 02-20-2010... Fun play on numbers. I'm in a pretty foul mood right now. Today had it's normal ups and downs, but my frustration levels were sky high. I think its finally starting to hit me that I'm doing everything on my own, for the next YEAR! Unfortunately, there were moments when that frustration was turned towards Ellie. At one point she was absolutely refusing to listen to anything I said, plus the machine at the self-checkout (we were grocery shopping) wasn't working right. Another time I gave her a bag of shredded cheese because she said she wanted that as her snack. I was doing dishes at the time, and when I was done, I saw that she had poured the entire bag all over my couch. Looking back on those two times makes me feel pretty lousy, because she was just being two. She wasn't really being defiant, and looking for ways to make Mommy upset. =(

What I'm in the foul mood for is not the first two instances though. It was for the last. She is having a serious set back with pooping in the potty. For three straight poops, she's gone in her panties. Its driving me crazy. Tonight, I actually think I may have scared her, between my voice and my actions. My frustration definitely got the better of me. And although I know I didn't physically hurt her, I am completely torn apart inside. Here's why.

Once I had her cleaned up, she was super happy. I told her I was mad at her, and she told me that she would make me feel better. Even though I had just scared her. It felt like she had forgiven me for my temper tantrum. My little girl is absolutely remarkable. She put me in my place. She loves me, unconditionally. I don't know what I did to be blessed with this little girl, but I can't see my life without her. I felt like a horrible mother for scaring her like that. I still do. Almost as soon as it was over, she was over it too. I'm so entirely grateful for my daughter, because whenever I feel as though I've wronged someone, or as if I'm alone, she's there to help me feel better.

I love you, Ellie.

Good night.

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010

This evening I find myself laughing at my own frustrations for the past few months. Ellie has been fighting a night time cough for going on four months now. She was also waking up in the middle of the night because of the coughing. Needless to say, we were both a little cranky in the mornings. I had taken her to the doc a few times for the cough, and was prescribed all sorts of different medications to see what would eventually work. On the last visit, the doctor told me to put a vinyl wrapping around her bed... Hmmm... okay. I didn't think that it could be so simple as dust mites, but we bought what we needed.

We put the vinyl wrapping around her bed, and another wrap around the pillow she sleeps on, just in case. It couldn't hurt, right. The doctor told us that we would probably have to wait a couple of weeks before we actually noticed if there was any improvement. At first there wasn't any change at all. But now, its a different story.

I realized that we hadn't washed her sheets since BEFORE we put the vinyl wrapping on, so I went ahead and washed EVERYTHING. I used a couple capfuls of bleach too, just in case. (Just trying to cover all my bases.) The next day, today, is when I noticed all the big changes. For the past few nights, she hasn't been coming into my bed until around 6:30 in the morning, which means she's sleeping through the night. The big thing though, she hasn't coughed at all since yesterday afternoon! I couldn't believe it. I was waiting expectantly for the coughing today, but it never happened. She's sleeping soundly and peacefully as I write this.

So tonight, the thing I'm most grateful for is the quote:

"The simpliest answer tends to be the right answer."

Good night.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18, 2010

Today I have a few things to be grateful for. A friend of my sister's son is in the hospital because of a partially collapsed lung. He's five months old. I am so eternally grateful that God blessed me with such a strong and healthy little girl. Hearing about the situation gave me goosebumps and all I could think of was, "And I'm here worried about Ellie's allergies?!" To watch your child suffer hurts you in ways another person will never understand. I am so blessed that Ellie is healthy and has such a radiant personality. She is my little ray of sunshine. My little clown.

I am also very grateful that I got to talk to Tom today. It's harder this time around, and I really do miss his voice. He just got a cell plan over there, so hopefully I will be able to hear from him at least every other day. If nothing else than to tell one another that we love and miss the other. We both have our "Love Talks" books, so I think I may suggest that we start delving into those a little bit. Start getting some ideas.

That's it for this evening. I don't have a quote because both topics are far from the other. I will end with this though. God never gives you more than you can handle.

Good night.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17, 2010

Well, the day went smoothly enough. I had a friend come over with her kids and made them lunch, just to help pass the time. I got my Pampered Chef kit and am super excited to start looking through it!

My neighbor below our apartment was actually holding on to the box for me. I had no idea he had it since there was a FedEx message on my door. I was a little disappointed I had missed them, but assumed I would just get it within the next couple of days. Around 7 o'clock, we get a knock on our door and our neighbor brought us up our box. And this isn't a light weight box! I was so surprised, and grateful. It made my night! It was such a simple and curteous act and it made me smile for quite a while after that. I haven't really ventured out to meet my neighbors in the whole year I've been living here, but now I'm wishing I had. I am very grateful to know that I do have caring neighbors, just a floor below us.

"On this shrunken globe, men can no longer live as strangers." ~Adlai E. Stevenson

Good night.

February 16, 2010

Okay, so right now, it's 8 o'clock in the morning on the 17th. I had a horrible headache last night and went straight to bed after I got Ellie down and I knew she was asleep. I slept soundly until 6:30 or so when Ellie came into the bed.

I did have something to be grateful for yesterday. I've been dreading having to have dinner at my house. I'm not ready to cook for just Ellie and me. I've been lucky because my friends have been helping me out with that. I went over to the Beely's home and did some family hair cutting, and had an amazing dinner (Pork Wellington, steamed asparagus with a hollandaise sauce, and salad). Its really nice to be able to have that type of social cirlce that I can be kept busy doing a mulititude of tasks.

I'm grateful that I have these friends and have so many people around me willing to help me through our hardship. I'm trying to make the best out of this situation, and with my friends around me, it definitely helps.

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
--Dale Carnegie

Good night (morning).

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

Today was a long and hard day, emotionally that is. I hadn't heard from Tom all day, and it put a horrible spin on my day. I even went about the day seemingly happy, but it didn't feel real. I was grateful to be getting out of the house and doing something, but it just didn't seem to be me. I think I'm still in shock. There is a definite numb feeling right now.

That's not to say I haven't found something of which to be grateful. I finally got a phone call from Tom around 10:30 this evening. The connection was horrible and I could barely hear him. But I heard him. What I'm grateful for is that I was lucky enough to be born in an age where communication is so much easier. I don't know how the wives during the first world wars handled it. Not hearing anything for weeks and months at a time.

Our generation is a very fortunate one. I am able to hear my husband's voice from thousands of miles away, keeping my worries to a minimum. Obviously I can't help but to worry, but knowing that he really is only a phone call or email away, helps. The wives before me were so much stronger than I. I am grateful and flattered to be following in their steps, and living up the name of Army Spouse, the hardest job in the military.

Army wives prayer Dear Lord,
Give me the greatness of heart to see the difference between duty and his love for me. Give me understanding that I may know, when duty calls him he must go. Give me a task to do each day, to fill the time when he's away. And Lord, when he's in a foreign land, keep him safe in your loving hand. And Lord, when duty is in the field, please protect him and be his shield. And Lord, when deployment is so long, please stay with me and keep me strong. Amen.

Good night.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day! Now that that's out of the way, on to the tonight's entry.

With Tom leaving for his deployment this morning, I thought it would have an absolutely horrible time finding out what to write about this evening. This deployment is a lot harder for me. I think with everything that we've been through, we've found out how much more we love each other and how much more committed we are to one another. Watching the buses pull away broke my heart. That was when I finally broke down. It was my good friend Lydia that helped save my day today. She is who I'm grateful for.

She was there to say goodbye to her friends as well, but I think she knew I would need her today, more than other time. She came through. She gave me a shoulder to cry on and cried with me. She's been through the same emotions and circumstances as myself, and we've become very close friends through the years. I couldn't be more grateful for her. She's always there when I need her. She kept Ellie and I company while we all ate breakfast at IHOP this morning. Because I wasn't ready to go to an empty house, we went back to hers. She offered to let Ellie stay with her for a few hours so that I could go home and decompress and take care of the pups and cat. She made Ellie and me dinner so that I wouldn't have to deal with it tonight. She went far and above what's needed from a friend. She was my angel today. I can't thank her enough for helping me get through today. Thank you Lyida.

"Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend." ~Plautus

Good night.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, 2010

Hmmm... what to be grateful for tonight? Its the night before the deployment. Its the last night I will spend with Tom for the next 8 months. Being grateful isn't on the top of my agenda. I've learned the power of positive thinking, and I am honestly trying to make it work for me right now.

Even though its because of this war that I am about to endure a tremendous hardship, its the thought of war that I've found something of which to be grateful. Freedom. It's taken for granted and not a second glance. How many times have I heard, "If so and so is elected, I'm moving to Canada!" My opinion, go. Think about it though. We are able to just get up and go. Everyone is dying to get here, and we are freely roaming around the world.

It's because of war that we have the freedoms we have. Our unallienable rights. Watching Tom leave tomorrow is more than likely going to turn me into a basket case, but I know he's going so Ellie and I can live freely. I am also very grateful for the family and friends that I'm going to lean and who are going to help support me this next year. I'm not too proud to ask for help, especially not when Ellie is concerned.

Thinking about our freedoms has helped to raise my spirits slightly, and that's a start. Positive thinking does work.

"Make your optimism come true." ~Author Unknown

Good night.

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010

I'm grateful this evening to be able to say that I let the money issue go. Not entirely, but put it on the back burners. It was really hard, but I realized the foul mood it was putting me in just to think about it. So I stopped. I would find myself thinking about and tell myself that it could be so much worse and that I have so much to be grateful for. Money is a convenience.

Another thing that made me smile is all the compliments we've been getting from our family picture. I'm really happy with our picture and am planning to super size it and put it on our wall. We all look so happy! The photographer did a great job. I know there is a lot of family members waiting expectantly for their copies. Looking at the picture makes me smile.

For tonight, that's it. Its far too past my bedtime and I have a busy day planned for tomorrow. I'm in a good mood and think I will sleep soundly tonight.

He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances.”
--David Hume

Good night.

February 11, 2010

I'm actually writing this entry at 7:30 in the morning on the 12th. Last night ended bad enough that I just couldn't muster myself to write anything. I realized what our debt actually looks like once we started using our tax refund to pay it off. I need to apologize, to myself, for not getting up and finding SOMETHING positive to write about. I did start thinking about it, and that's what I'm going to write about.

While I was wallowing in self pity, I actually had the thought, "it could be worse." And it could be. I still have my health, my daughter, my family, food, housing, a car... two cars. I have nice things, plenty of clothes, well, the list goes on and on. I couldn't see the forest through the trees last night.

In the world we live in, money is the source of so much happiness as well as so much agony. It shouldn't be like that. Today I'm making myself forget about the money, and spending some GOOD quality time with my family. Money can go on the backburners for a while.

"I cannot afford to waste my time making money." ~Louis Agassiz

Good night (well, morning).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

I am super grateful that a few months back I got a subscription to our local paper, and with it got the 2010 Entertainment Guide. Because of the coupons in the guide, Tom and I were able to get two movie tickets, a grande white mocha, two dinner entrees at a mongolian grill with two drinks, and then two "like its" from cold stone for UNDER $40! Such a great night. Plus we had free day care since Mom and Dad (haenke) were willing to take care of Ellie while we enjoyed our evening. This was all supposed to happen tomorrow for our anniversary, but Tom is getting his tooth pulled, so we knew he would probably not be up to everything that we did this evening. We were happy to enjoy the evening tonight. We had a great time.

"The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds - they mature slowly."
~Peter De Vries

Good night.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010

Tonight, I would like to think that the thing I'm most grateful for is my relationship to Tom. It has had some serious up and downs, but there have been numerous moments within the past few months were I've felt reconnected with him. We had definitely lost something for a while, and somehow, we found it again. Maybe it was our separation. Maybe it was this impending deployment. Maybe it was both, or neither of them. Only God knows. I believe that things happen for a reason, and all of the struggles we've had over the past four years are being resolved. I'm learning to let things go, and he's working at being more proactive. We're communicating better. We're trying. We're committed. While we were laying in bed last night, I started crying. I realized how much I'm going to miss him. I started thinking how I thought it would be easier the second time around. Its not. But, I've found a way to be grateful for that type of thinking. I'm grateful that it's NOT easy. I'm grateful that it is going to hurt when he leaves. If I didn't feel those things, I'd be much more alarmed. I'm grateful his date was pushed back, because even though I've said I just wish he'd go already, I know I'd be much happier just staying in limbo if it meant he was still here. So, tonight, I'm grateful for being in limbo and for being able to love my husband so freely.

"Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~Author Unknown

Good night.

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010

I don't know how many people are actually following the major snow storm that is effecting the DC metro area, but all I have to say is I'm so grateful I'm not in the middle of all that mess! My mother was telling me about all the snow they're getting, as well as all the snow they're ABOUT to get. Yes sir, I'm happy right here in TX!

That's not to say that I don't like the snow. A lot can be accomplished when you're snow-home-bound. For instance, my almost 4 year old niece and my 4 month old niece are actually enjoying the experience. Its not every day that a child in MD gets to have the kind of fun that they're having. MD is not known for their "good" snow. All the snow also leads to more quality time among families. More outside fun, because lets face it, we all like the things that are new and outside the norm. Snow in MD is outside the norm (well, maybe not this year), so why not play in it? Not to mention all the attention that mommies and daddies get to give they're children since no one can leave the house. I know some families are dreading spending that much time together, but really, its all what you make of it!

Me, I'm grateful I'm not stuck in the house! I love being able to go places, or at least having that option. The snow would be nice the first couple of days, but I'd much rather keep my distance for the time being. I'm enjoying watching San Antonio come to life with all the rain we've been getting. The 50-year-drought is over after 4 months of rain. The green is already peeking out and the clover patches make me imagine what Ireland must look like. I'm getting excited about spring and the fun things I'll be able to do with Ellie! I'm keeping my eyes directed forward, because even though we learn from what's behind us, you can't proceed without looking towards your future.

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” --John Ruskin

Good night.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 2010

Today was another enjoyable day. We took a trip to Target and found out our gift card was $50 instead of the assumed $25, so that was awesome. We all had lunch after that and went down to a local art museum, the McNay museum, since it was free. As we all toured the Impressionist art, and looked around the permanent art, we also found out that they had children's activities down in the basement. We took Ellie down there, and we all participated. After the museum, we went out to dinner at one of Tom's and my favorite restaraunt. Its a german place called Friesenhaus. Absolutely wonderful food there.

So, there was plenty to be grateful for today. So many pleasant things happened. What I actually am the most proud of though is something I didn't mention earlier. I haven't really paid much mind within this journal about my weight loss journey. I'm just now starting it, and have had numerous struggling moment, but I haven't caved in yet. Today I noticed that I was making this a permanet facet in my life. I was making healthier choices and noticing the difference in how I felt. I've realized the importance of my health, and my weight plays a large role in that. I've taken an active role in my weight loss, and I'm proud of that. I'm grateful that everything that I've been hearing is finally sinking in. I know that losing weight is much harder than gaining it, so I'm keeping that in mind when I do have set backs. I have another weigh in tomorrow, but if I've only maintained, or even gained, I know that the mental aspect of this battle is starting to be won.

"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." --Mark Twain

Good night.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 6, 2010

After seeing post after post on facebook about all the snow from my hometown, I need to say that I'm grateful I'm not going through it. I'm also grateful that my family has all that they need to weather the storm. I know that my brother-in-law is stuck at work, sleeping in his office, but at least he's safe. Their safety is a high priority for me, and knowing that all of them are taken care of is a weight off my shoulders. No matter how much I love to look at snow, that area has been hit really hard this year. I like winter, but not that much. So, with that being said, I'm going to enjoy our chilled air and sleep soundly knowing my family is okay.

"And thank you for a house full of people I love. Amen." ~Ward Elliot Hour

Good night.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010

Today was an enjoyable day. It ended with Ellie having a fever, but with the miracle of medicine, the fever was down within half an hour. We went to the "Casing of the Colors" ceremony today for Tom's unit. I always enjoy watching the traditions unfold in military ceremonies. I never really cared for standing at attention while I was in the military, watching the traditions unfold... big difference!

At the beginning, we all "saluted" the flag during the national anthem. Ellie asked me what we were all looking at. I pointed out the American Flag and she said how pretty it was. Of course she didn't understand the significance of it, but at least she recognized it. She even put her hand over her heart (after I asked her to). It was so cute!

One of the things I wanted to say to her, but knew it was above her comprehension, was that that flag is what Daddy is protecting. Its because of that flag that Daddy has to go away for a little bit and help everyone stay free. So tonight, I want to express my gratitude for my husband's patriotism (as well as my own, in a way). It takes a true self-sacrificing patriot to join the military. It doesn't matter what branch, or if you believed you only enlisted for the college money. You knew the risks of being a service member, and only a patriot would sign on the dotted line.

Americans have taken so many things for granted. Watching this ceremony, and hearing what the distinguished guests had to say about the unit and the soldiers in it, renewed a sense of pride within me. I know that there are going to be difficult times ahead of me because of Tom's choice career, but it because of him and people like him, that our nation has been kept free. We are able to believe in whatever we choose. We vote for the members of congress and senate. We vote for our president. We are able to choose our own professions. We are able to deny military servitude. America is a great and unappreciated country. The soldiers need more recognition, and yet, I'm happy that I'm still connected to it through my husband. The soldiers, and their families, are the ones who truly show real appreciation for what this country, and the men that fought before us, have given us.

"Patriotism... is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." ~Adlai Stevenson

Good night.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4. 2010

Today I had a wonderful conversation with my mother-in-law about the spiritual side of a person. I'm grateful that I was able to do this without feeling uncomfortable, and the coversation was free flowing. It started, I believe, when we were talking about a moment shared between Tom and me. I had bought a card for a young girl dying of cancer who lives in PA. I hadn't made it out to the store in a couple of days, but felt really good about what I was doing. I happened to check the website for the girl later that day, and she had, unfortunately, passed away. I had only known about her for a couple of days. Its really sad, but God has his reasons, and she is no longer in pain. I told Tom about the whole thing, and he got really quite. And then he chuckled to himself. When I asked him what he was thinking, he told me, "I just realized I was praying."

That was huge for me! Through our conversations, Tom has started accepting his spiritual side. I have been very nervous about what would happen if I passed away. Would Tom be willing to raise Ellie to believe in God? I've never asked him to believe in the same god as me. I've asked him to accept his spiritual side. To accep that there is a balance in life that requires a person to acknowledge their spiritual side.

That was essentially what the conversation between my mother-in-law and me consisted of. We both agreed that there is a God out there, and we happen to believe in the Christian God. For us though, accepting your spirituality is just as important as accepting your personality. Your spirituality helps balance your life. It should be what calms and comforts you. It was nice being able to have that conversation with her and know that I'm so much more accepting and comfortable with my faith.

"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." --Denis Waitley

Good night.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010

Tonight I'm grateful for my family arriving safely from Washington. They had a very long day today and had a long drive home from Austin. We were lucky that Ellie behaved herself with Grandma in the back to entertain her! We are very fortunate that our family was capable to get tickets to come see us. With us being a military family, we can't depend on our family to come to see us. We can only hope. With the deployment so close, I'm really looking towards my family for support. I'm planning on making a few trips to see them, but it is very pleasant to have them here. I know how hard it is to step away from their jobs, so it really does mean something for them to be here.

With today's economy, there are so many families out there that never get to see far distant relatives. Our life revolves around those far distant relatives. We enjoy moving and seeing the various sites of the city, but there is definitely a piece missing. We miss having family around, especially for Ellie. She loves her grandmas and grandpas, and unfortunately, will not have the opportunity to really grow with them. When we are able to travel to see them, its such a nice treat. And vice versa.

There is nothing stronger than the bonds of family, and whatever time brings, the families always remember that. The effort is made on either side to have a positive connection to one another, and for that, I am grateful.

"Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions." — Peter Hoeg

Good night.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2. 2010

Happy Groundhog's Day. Another 6 weeks of winter... again. LOL I honestly can't remember the last time that Puxsatawny Phil DIDN'T see his shadow!

Anway. I was opeing up the journal, and checking the other blogs I read, I started thinking about what I would write about. And for a change, my mind was flooded! I started thinking how I'm grateful that I'm not stuck in the snow like my family on the East Coast. I grateful that my in-laws are able to come visit with us for a week and half and offer us their support as we get ready for the deployment. I'm grateful that Ellie has started sleeping through the nights again. I'm grateful that even though Ellie has potty accidents every now and then, she was VERY easy to potty train. I'm grateful that I've got so many friends I can count on, both local and long distant.

Like I said, my mind was flooded. I could go into detail, but honestly, I really enjoyed just listing them all. It was all coming so freely, so today must've been a good day.

I hope tomorrow is just as nice.

"All things are difficult before they are easy."
--Thomas Fuller

Good night.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1, 2010

I've been doing this for a month, and I can't believe how much it has helped me calm down and put things into perspective. There were many MANY nights that I really felt too tired to write anything. I persevered and kept writing. Some entries were exceptionally long, some were pretty short (my sleepy nights). Some were devotional, some were to external forces within my life.

Quite simply, this was a very good choice for me. I enjoy taking the time to get some thoughts down on "paper," and reading the comments from friends and family is a huge perk for me. It encourages me to write more.

This evening, I'm grateful for the choice I made to stick with my Gratitude Journal... and my bed.

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday." ~Author Unknown

Good night.