Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010

Today is Memorial Day. A day to remember the fallen. A day to be grateful for the men and women who have served our country and have lost their lives in the process. I am so grateful to live in a country where so many great things are possible. The simple right of choice is something taken so lightly that most don't even realize how wonderful a privilege it really is.

Although Tom is 4000 miles away, I know he is fighting for what is right. If nothing else, he is helping to protect Ellie and me from some of the horrors that some countries see on a daily basis.

Today is a somber day, yet, I feel myself filling with pride with my husband's service. Only 3% of our citizens are willing and able to contribute in a way that my husband has seen fit. Not to mention, his is a volunteer service. He is choosing to protect fellow Americans. I am grateful that nothing has happened to him, and will continue be so as long as God is protecting us all.

I remember the fallen and am honored to be an American.

"The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree." ~Thomas Campbell

Good night.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 30, 2010

Things have started getting hectic once again. I have found that I am no longer sensing that feeling of balance and self control. I need to refocus and get a baseline of positive thinking started once again. I became complacent, and have realized this is definitely going to be something that I will work on for the rest of my life. My emotions go completely hay wire when I am stressed, and I need a way to channel that frustration. So, again, I am making it a point to find things of which to be grateful.

I made a very important decision last night and I realized that I am turning into that decisive character I once was. Long before marriage and children. Long before college. I used to be a girl who knew exactly what she wanted. I am finding that once again. It has been close to a decade since I've had the feeling of yes, this is what I want. Time has brought me full circle, and I have learned and am still learning from the many trivial mistakes I make.

Right now, my goal in life is to be happy. My decision I believe will lead me in that direction. I am grateful that I am able to think so rationally about this when I have so much else going on in my life.

Good night.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20, 2010

Ellie needed to be taken to the ER today. I am always scared when I have to do that. She had a fever of 104 and was coughing and throwing up (only once), and at one point told me that it hurt to pee. Even though she is on amoxicillin, I called Mom and she told me that she would need a different type of antibiotic for a UTI. It would've been her second UTI under the age of three, which would've meant a trip to a urologist to see if she has urinary reflux. Luckily, that wasn't the issue. By the time we saw a doctor, the temperature had completely subsided and she wasn't having any pain, according to her that is.

So I am again grateful for my daughter's health and resiliency. I understand that children get sick, but as a mother, its heart-wrenching to watch your child in any kind of pain. I've even had to deal with Ellie telling me a little boy "broke her heart." It was absolutely adorable, but at the same time, she was really upset about it. How would a 2 year old know about a broken heart. Silly TV.

In any event, I'm very grateful that she has completely come around and is eating and drinking normally again, although cranky.

Also, in the news the other day, a suicide bomber exploded on Bagram Airfield. I hadn't heard anything about it until another spouse asked if I had heard from Tom. Unfortunately, Tom doesn't get to call or email that often, so of course I hadn't. My heart completely fell out of my chest. She explained that she didn't mean to frighten me but that everyone was fine, and was just curious to see if I had heard from him.

I'm so grateful that I did get to hear from him that day. He explained that he and the rest of the unit were fine. I miss him so much and the idea that he is much closer to harm than I originally thought is quite worrisome. I'm ready for him to come home. Thanks to modern communication technology, the worries I have, although valid, are some what alleviated. I'm grateful to be a spouse in this era, versus the eras of wars past, when you may not hear from your loved one for weeks, months and years at a time, if at all.

There is so much to be grateful for, and I know God is behind all of it. I thank Him above all else.

Good night.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11, 2010

I find that its easier to keep this journal up as long as I don't see it as a chore. My stress level has gone down significantly, which was one of the major reasons for starting this. Now, this journal is just a reminder of why I'm so much easier to get along with! LOL

Mother's Day was a wonderful day for me. I was lucky enough to be able to spend the morning with friends and their children and then the ladies went to paint pottery. It was a very enjoyable experience. There is an active train track right next to the pottery place, and when a train would come by, I would take the girls out and they loved it. It was so nice to have them so easily entertained, plus they loved painting! The weather was on our side and there are honestly too many things to be grateful for to mention all of them.

Of course the major thing that I was grateful for that day was simply the gift of being blessed with Ellie. She really is a blessing in every way. She's my teacher and daughter. She's my everything. I have a good life. I'm wealthy in so many ways that the financial problems seem insignificant by comparison. Only a parent could understand.

I look at Ellie, and I know that everything will work itself out.

Good night.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

Recently, I changed my gym membership from the YMCA to Lifetime Fitness. I love it! Not only is the atmosphere awesome, I know people there! That second part works against me (in a good way) at some points. I've started taking classes, and wow, these classes are really working me! Its nice to have people there to support and encourage me. I feel obliged to meet them there if we had set up a time to go to a class together. Its a good, and healthy obligation. My hopes are that I can get my butt back in gear and into the gym on a regular basis. Knowing so many people has really helped me stop making excuses why I shouldn't go. Plus the day care is open from 8 am to 8 pm, and I'm paying for 2 hours every day, so why not use it?! The hardest part of my weight loss journey is going to be watching my caloric intake, but even for that I have something to be grateful for! I am a Weight Watchers member, and even though I haven't been sticking to the plan, I still make a point to go there and attend the meetings. I may not have lost any more weight, but I HAVEN'T gained. Maintaining seems to be just as hard as losing, so I'll take it! My meetings leader is awesome though! She gave me her cell number so I can call or text her with any questions, or need some words of encouragement. I love this girl! She's lost 86 lbs on Weight Watchers. I know I can do this, I just have to stick to my plan and keep my goals in mind.

Having a support system is so vitally important to me that I feel I almost take it for granted. I've always had one. It could have been with my family or friends, and for various reasons. I consider my support groups my counselors, as they help guide me towards a better me. A friend once said she was imperfectly beautiful. I love it! That's speaks to me and is such a wonderful way to see life. Right now, I've got my family to support some of my life decision, my FRG to help support me with this deployment, my mommy's group to help support my SANITY with Ellie, and many friends who are helping me along my weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey. To all of them, I am grateful.

Good night.