Sunday, October 16, 2011

14 weeks

Yes, I know, its been five weeks since my last post. Don't be mad. I haven't had a much to write about.

I figured since I had taken the first baby pic at 4 weeks, I might as well do one at 14 :)

Not gonna lie... gaining weight sucks. I hadn't gained much in the first 10 weeks or so, but these last four have been horrible for me! LOL Must. Not. Eat. Everything. In. Sight! I really don't remember ever being this hungry all the time with Ellie. But it may be from not being able to eat much of anything for those first 10 weeks. I kept hoping that I would show early, and um, yea, its happened. I can honestly say that I didn't think I was showing until I saw some pictures of me yesterday from the side... and I could only think... um, wow.

I'm also really emotional. Everyone sees it. Its quite entertaining after I've pulled myself together, because those that know me know I'm pretty good at hiding emotions, especially the really sappy ones! :)

We're still behind our decision to not find out the sex of the baby, and now that I'm officially in my second trimester, I have occasionally thought it would be nice to start picking out patterns and themes. But really, I don't want to know MORE than I want to pick out themes. So the decision sticks. We're also still planning to have a natural birth, but unfortunately due to lack of funds and tricare not covering the bill, the baby will almost definitely not be delivered in a birthing center, or even by a midwife for that matter. It sucks... but it is what it is.

Oh, I forgot! I felt the baby definitely kick for the first time last week which was pretty exciting. I had felt a couple "pops" before that, but this was definite kicking. It was a nice reassurance. I haven't felt much since then, a kick here and there, but all very sporadic, and normally when I'm half asleep and have woken up to pee.

I think that covers all the basis. Its late, but I wanted to get this post up. Now... its time for bed.