Friday, December 16, 2011

Germs at Home

Twist. Turn. Punch. Wiggle wiggle wiggle! This little girl is one active baby. Honestly, the only time I don't feel her moving is when I'm sleeping, although I know she's moving then too because I feel her as soon as I wake up to pee! LOL I'm hoping she does sleep at some point otherwise those first few months are gonna be some LOOOOONG months!

I found this article and wanted to share an excerpt from it, although you can click the link and read the entire article if you'd like:

Normal Household Germs Do Not Affect Mother or Baby
Myth #4 — A hospital is a more sanitary place to have a baby than at home.

Childbed fever killed thousands of women in the 19th century — about the time physicians, who also cared for the ill and dying, began to attend births in clinics. As hospitals became the places to go for birth and death, infections became a plague upon childbearing women and other hospital patients.
About 100 years ago, in Austria, a doctor named Ignaz Semmelweis attempted to lower the number of maternal deaths from infections — as high as 40 percent of those delivering at the Vienna maternity hospital.[1]

Semmelweis discovered that simply by washing their hands between performing autopsies and attending births, the rate of infections caused by doctors dropped dramatically. Semmelweis was ridiculed by his colleagues, and it wasn't until five years after his death that his findings began to gain acceptance. With the advent of aseptic technique in the late 1800s and the development of antibiotics in the 1940s, gradual improvement was seen. [Ed. — As antibiotic-resistant bacteria have evolved so that they are unaffected by antibiotics, it can be expected that this trend will be reversed, and we can expect to see an increase in deaths from hospital-acquired infections.]
In the 1930s, studies in New York City and Memphis, Tennessee, show that fewer women died from infections and hemorrhage during homebirths than died from the same complications in the hospital.[2]

Today, strict and expensive infection control procedures have still not eliminated nosocomial, or hospital-caused infections from common and dangerous organisms, like resistant strains of staphylococcus.
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the nation's hospital-regulating agency, The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, is failing to enforce infection control standards — compromising the health of hospital patients: "The Joint Commission allows dangers to health and safety to go uncorrected for weeks, months and even years. Sloppy, irresponsible hospitals have little to fear from the Commission: punishment in recent years has been nearly nonexistent."[3]

Each family becomes accustomed to its own household germs and develops a resistance to them. Since fewer strangers are likely to be present at a homebirth than at a hospital birth, the chances of acquiring foreign germs are less likely in a homebirth situation.
Every effort is made to provide a clean environment at homebirths. Midwives and homebirth doctors wear sterile gloves and use sterilized instruments for cutting the umbilical cord.
Homebirth research studies indicate much lower rates of infection in the mother and the baby than is likely in the hospital. In a 10-year study (1970-1980) of 1,200 births at the Farm in Summertown, Tennessee, 39 mothers suffered postpartum infections, and only one baby developed septicemia.[4]

Calling the hospital nursery a cradle of germs, Dr. Marsden Wagner, European Director of the World Health Organization, warned doctors at an international medical conference in Jerusalem in the spring of 1989 that hospital births endanger mothers and babies primarily because of impersonal procedures and overuse of technology and drugs.[5]

The Birth Gazette, Fall, 1987, review of The Cry and The Covenant, p. 32-33.
The Five Standards of Safe Childbearing, 1981, Stewart, p. 240-241.
The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 12, 1988.
The Five Standards of Safe Childbearing, 1981, Stewart, p. 127.
Mothering, Oct/Nov/Dec, 1989.

Monday, December 12, 2011

22 weeks

Well, um, I've got no excuse now. I'm out of school (for the holiday), and thankfully I passed all of my classes with a B or higher. Come Wednesday, I will be on a flight with Ellie to Sammamish, Washington to spend the holiday with Tom's family. Tom will be flying in the following Monday since his unit only approved a certain time-frame for the entire unit's block leave. We're kinda used to rearranging our schedule by now. We took our Christmas picture a couple of weeks ago and although I'm not a fan of ANY picture of me right now, the picture we kept of Ellie is adorable. I wish I could remember everything that was happening since my last post, but honestly, my brain is completely frazzled at the moment.

Ellie is doing great in school, and depending on what happens with Tom PCSing or not (we're really hoping he does), we may have her tested to start Kindergarten early. Her biggest problems are (1) cutting a straight line and (2) keeping her focus when other kids are talking. If we move, I'm not positive we'll worry about school simply because it just may be too much for her all at one time, but we'll see where the road takes us.

Tom is still Tom. LOL Nothing changes with him! We're hoping that within the next six months or so we'll be getting orders to leave San Antonio, but we're not really counting on it. Other than that, nothing much as happened with him.

Onto news about the pregnancy. For those of you who haven't already heard, we found out that we're having another little girl! We're both really excited about this, even if we can't agree on a name. I will be posting a poll to see what name everyone likes best, but I honestly don't think we're going to pick out a name until she's born... that's how torn we are with the names. Things have definitely leveled out as far as how I'm feeling. I'm still sore, but that's to be expected. I have also found that I am no where near as hungry as I was at the beginning of this trimester, so I'm hoping the weight gain starts slowing down a bit.

Other big news about the pregnancy is that we officially hired a midwife to deliver this baby... at home! That's right. We are having this little girl in the comforts of our own home. Our midwife's name is Salli Gonzalez and her website is Empowerment Birthing. There is a lot of information to view if you want to check it out. If we lived farther away from a hospital in the event of an emergency I'd probably not be as comfortable with our choice to have a home birth, but honestly I'm not worried. I know to some it seems new age to have your child at home, and for a long time, that was how I felt too. Now... it feels like the best option and most natural way to have this baby. There will be a birthing pool in the event that I choose to deliver in the tub, or even just as a source of pain relief. I asked a lot of questions about how to prepare Ellie, and what to do about our animals, and the germs in the house, and how to clean before the baby gets here, and what vaccinations I'm going to need, and the list goes on and on. In a nutshell, I'm in good hands. I will go into more detail in the coming weeks, with articles included to help back up what's being said, and hopefully help people see that I'm not absolutely crazy! LOL

I was reading an article on NPR about giving birth at home, and this is one of the quotes from the midwife that I love:

"People talk about how painful contractions are because they're so strong. But what we want woman to know is that the strength of that contraction is the strength of their own bodies. They are as strong as the contraction is. And so they are able to manage it."

Anyone who knows me knows I never do anything the easy way :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

17 weeks

3 weeks since the last blog... Can you see the growth spurt? LOL I even see it looking down now. I'm already getting the "big as a house" feeling, and I'm just now four months along. Its gonna be a long pregnancy! :)

A friend of mine just had her third little boy this past Friday. It definitely makes me ready to have this one. He was so small and innocent. In a word, he was beautiful. I think even Tom is getting that "itch" to have the baby after visiting little Tristan.

As far as my pregnancy goes though, I'm still getting some bouts of nausea, but they aren't horrible. Normally Tums helps and that's all I need. I've been a lot more "crampy" with this one too. Nothing to be worried about, normal pains, just annoying. I am also very excited to say that I've gotten the okay on my migraine meds so I don't have to suffer. I was told that generally, migraine meds are NOT recommended during pregnancy because in LARGE doses, it had "adverse" effects in baby rats. My doc basically said, if you're migraines are only once a month or so, taking the medicine will not produce even the closest amount needed to start any of those adverse effect. I asked what should I do in the event that they're more frequent, (because now she's got me worried about taking these meds). She told me that even if I had to take one a week, it still wouldn't be something to worry about. She said that the effect and stress that my body is naturally going through is MUCH worse than the chances of anything happening to the baby because of taking the meds. I'm trusting her judgement on this one, and ask that if you have an opposing "belief," keep to yourselves. I've got enough to worry about without other people trying to tell me they know what's best for the baby in MY belly.

Off my soapbox. Sorry about that. I've started getting a lot of unwanted advice, and if you couldn't tell, yes, I'm annoyed. This is the only place that I can safeguard against it before it becomes a problem. And yes, I've got people rubbing my belly. Friends, you're okay to do it. Random people on the street....? Please expect me to rub your belly in return while giving you a "how do you like it" look? :)

I've got a massive unit baby shower coming up on Tuesday and there are sure to be lots of pictures with that, but for now, I think I've covered all my bases. There will be more bump pictures in the next month or so (give or take).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

14 weeks

Yes, I know, its been five weeks since my last post. Don't be mad. I haven't had a much to write about.

I figured since I had taken the first baby pic at 4 weeks, I might as well do one at 14 :)

Not gonna lie... gaining weight sucks. I hadn't gained much in the first 10 weeks or so, but these last four have been horrible for me! LOL Must. Not. Eat. Everything. In. Sight! I really don't remember ever being this hungry all the time with Ellie. But it may be from not being able to eat much of anything for those first 10 weeks. I kept hoping that I would show early, and um, yea, its happened. I can honestly say that I didn't think I was showing until I saw some pictures of me yesterday from the side... and I could only think... um, wow.

I'm also really emotional. Everyone sees it. Its quite entertaining after I've pulled myself together, because those that know me know I'm pretty good at hiding emotions, especially the really sappy ones! :)

We're still behind our decision to not find out the sex of the baby, and now that I'm officially in my second trimester, I have occasionally thought it would be nice to start picking out patterns and themes. But really, I don't want to know MORE than I want to pick out themes. So the decision sticks. We're also still planning to have a natural birth, but unfortunately due to lack of funds and tricare not covering the bill, the baby will almost definitely not be delivered in a birthing center, or even by a midwife for that matter. It sucks... but it is what it is.

Oh, I forgot! I felt the baby definitely kick for the first time last week which was pretty exciting. I had felt a couple "pops" before that, but this was definite kicking. It was a nice reassurance. I haven't felt much since then, a kick here and there, but all very sporadic, and normally when I'm half asleep and have woken up to pee.

I think that covers all the basis. Its late, but I wanted to get this post up. Now... its time for bed.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9 weeks

Not too much has changed with the pregnancy, but that's a good thing right? I'm no where near as nauseous as I was a few weeks back, but its still a daily annoyance. I think my sleeping issue is more of an issue than my nausea. I am absolutely useless to anyone after 4 o'clock or so. If I take a nap, I generally wake up grumpy, and then I can't sleep well at night. If I don't take a nap, I can barely think because I'm so tired, but I sleep VERY well at night. The latter is the option I've been choosing.

It isn't all bad though. I've started having dreams about the baby. Not often, but two so far. Both of them involving a little boy, and always introducing him to my family as "Jackson." For those of you reading this hoping I'm going to have a little boy, don't take this as a sign. I had NUMEROUS dreams while I was pregnant with Ellie that I was having a little boy. I don't see much into now. I don't feel either way about what this baby is. Another girl? Awesome, I'm good with girls. A boy? Awesome, it'll be fun (and will shush Daddy up)! I'm not compelled to find out either. I feel so old-fashioned by waiting, but I'm more excited about this choice than about picking out paint colors or clothes. I'm not going to ask anyone to buy us clothes or other baby goodies, simply because we aren't finding out. I know its more fun to shop for a little girl or a little boy, but keeping the excitement in the pregnancy feels right to me. I don't need to plan. I'm a just-go-with it kinda gal anyway.

Ellie has had a couple predictions. The first (and more common) prediction is that its going to be a little boy with red hair and mommy's eyes (brown). The other, and more entertaining, prediction is that mommy is having a boy AND a girl. Yea, not gonna lie. That prediction scares the crap outta me! LOL If it is, then it is. I can't say it something I've ever hoped for though.

I had my first OB appointment, which was absolutely ridiculous. I didn't see a doctor at all. Didn't take my weight. Didn't take my blood pressure. No temp. Nothing. Just sat down and filled out a bunch of medical history information, gave some blood, and made my appointment to actually see a doctor. As of right now, I believe my appointment will be during my 11th week, and Tom and Ellie will be there to hear the heartbeat so I'm actually very excited about it. To know there is something in there, really in there, causing the nausea... causing the cramps... causing the incessant peeing... it'll be wonderful. Plus, the expression we'll get from Ellie is guaranteed to be priceless.

So yea, this pregnancy hasn't started off as smoothly as Ellie's, but this is a different baby. And with that, even the bad looks good.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Photography Class

Even though this is being posted on Thursday, I felt the desire to post some pictures that I've taken in my photography class. I by no means think I'm a great photographer. I've got a great friend who showed me some pretty awesome things a camera can do if you know what you're doing. I'm also not going to invest in a SLR camera until I know that its something I want to do more than just occasionally. The first three are pictures for an assignment that was based off of anything we wanted, we just had to really work on getting a good contrast.

The next three are pictures from my current assignment that has to deal with texture, line and pattern. Again, we were focusing a lot on contrast.
(if you're wondering, those are snake eggs)

This last picture is actually a picture I took with the intentions of using it for my tlp assignment, but upon some constructive criticism decided against it. But... I still really like it, and I did some creative editing. Can you see what's missing?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yarn Along {four}

Please don't think I've been ignoring this. Things are pretty busy with Tom not here and my life has been taken over by the pregnancy, school, and home life. Every day seems pretty similar to the day before so I figured a good place to fill you in would be on the craft I've been knitting (off and on). This is also being linked to Yarn Along over at Ginny's Site.

It was coming along very quickly, and then my motivation dwindled as my nausea got worse. I haven't really done much to it since, but I do know its almost done. If you're interested in the pattern, I bought it off a raverly merchant. The pattern actually include 6 different cables, and since this is for a little one, I turned the cable into a single piece (an owl). I'm planning on putting two small brown buttons in for the eyes, but I may just use embroidery floss. I'm still pretty excited about the end product.

The other section of "yarn along" is actually what I'm reading. I can safely say the only thing I'm reading is what's being required of me by my professors, and honestly, its not worth talking about. :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Sunday Times

I think that's what I'll call all my Sunday reports.

Its been an off and on kinda week. Nothing really to report about Tom. He's still in AZ. We talk probably every other day, and even then, we're not talking about much. He's been really good about being patient with me while I vent.

Ellie is still enjoying school, but isn't too fond of the morning "routine." You see, getting up isn't the problem. I don't have to wake her up super early, and in fact, she's normally the one waking me up. The problem is she is so used to sitting around and doing a whole lot of nothing in the mornings that now, when I'm telling her she needs to get dressed and I need to fix her hair, she's not too thrilled. She's getting used to it, ever so slowly.

I made it through my first week of school. I've realized my schedule is, in a word, annoying. I've got way too much free time, and while I'm feeling as crappy as I am, that's not a good thing. Granted, it was just the first week of school, but its not just that. Its the actual schedule. I should have thought it through a little better. I guess I'm getting it used to it too.

Monday, August 22, 2011

6 weeks

Holy jeebus! This past week was an "eye opener." Not sure how big this baby is gonna be, but he/she sure is making some room down there. Not to mention he/she won't let me eat anything without me getting sick. Not even water! I know women go through morning sickness. I know its normal. I thought I was one of the lucky ones who didn't because I didn't with Ellie. Absolutely and totally wrong. Luckily, so far, I haven't had to throw up. Just feel like it.

I have found a couple of things that haven't made me ridiculously nauseous. A frosty from Wendy's. It was the very first thing I have even seen so far that looked even slightly appetizing, so of course I thought I'd give it a try. I ate my lunch first to get the protein down, and once that was down, I didn't want anything. I forced myself to eat the frosty. And believe it or not, it not only didn't make me nauseous, but it helped to get rid of the nausea I was already feeling! Hooray for frosties! A friend also gave me the suggestion to drink my water ice cold, which I normally hate (the temperature hurts my teeth). I tried it, and it definitely doesn't both my stomach as much as cool water. I have found that most foods that are in their natural state (fruits and veggies) don't affect my stomach as much either. By the way this is going, I'll be a vegetarian by the end of this pregnancy.

I know that normally, the first trimester is the worst, so here's hoping to a very quick 6 to 8 weeks! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The last week before school

This past week had its ups and downs. Most of the downs are just me getting used to being pregnant, and I guess that isn't so bad. I didn't accomplish much though. I bought my school books, which cost me just shy of the first born (Ellie was saved!). I keep telling myself that its all worth it... but man, when that cash register rung up those prices, YOWZA! I officially start my classes tomorrow (Monday, August 22) and I'll be taking an Education class, a Math class (its actually a "how to teach math" math class), a photography class, an English class, and finally a Biology class. That last class will be online though, to kinda ease to the workload... I hope. I'm realizing I post all of this information on a previous entry, so... sorry!

Tom is doing well. He's in Fort Huachuca, Arizona now and seems to be alright. He's really been working on losing weight and from what he's told me, he's doing a great job. I'm really proud of him. He had a goal and he's already met it, within two weeks. I wish I had more to report for him, but being that he's not here, and our conversations are normally short at the end of the night, that's about all I've got. Oh, he did mention he found nerdy buddies to help him pass the time, so at least he's got an outlet for that! :)

Ellie started her "school." She absolutely loved it! She didn't cry when I left and she didn't throw a fit about leaving at the end of the day either. It was wonderful. There was actually a small party that day because a couple of the children there weren't going to be coming back (or something) so they had a little party. Ellie was included and had a great time. She was talking about it all the way home and for the rest of the night. She'll be in "school" every week day, and honestly, I think the structure is something she's been craving. Not to mention all the social interaction with other kids, and other adults for that matter. She's definitely looking forward to going back to school tomorrow.

I think that about covers everything for now. I'm trying not to divulge too much into the other topics that I write about on different days, such as the pregnancy and the crafts I'm working on. I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

{this moment}

A Friday ritual (thanks to SouleMama.) A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yarn Along {Three}

I'm back on track and linking up with Ginny's Yarn Along. Its a bunch of fellow needle workers compiling their projects and what they're reading that week.

As for me, I am making progress on those socks! I got tired of working on the cuff, so its shorter than the pattern says, but I really don't think it'll make that much of a difference. Have I mentioned how much I love self striping yarn? Ellie asks me every day if she can see my sock, and being the great and "supportive" kid that she is always tells me what a great job I'm doing.

As for what I'm reading, I'm kinda all over the place. I've got a few pregnancy books keeping me occupied, but the one I'm reading the most frequently would Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn by Penny Simkin (P.T), Janet Whalley (R.N., B.S.N), and Ann Keppler (R.N., M.N.). A friend loaned the book to me and I'm gathering lots of information. It helps that its not "hard" to read.

That's it for this yarn along. I do believe I'll be able to update with more of my sock project and possibly a blanket that's been on hold for dang near close to ever. Okay, that's a little bit of an exaggeration. I started it close to the beginning of last year, but that seems like forever ago!

I hope you enjoyed my yarn along and you should take a look at what's going over at Ginny's!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Scary Mommy says it best

When it comes to really putting it how it is, the best Blog I read is Scary Mommy. She's hilarious and honest.

Here's her take on being "Super Mom". I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did! You can't help reading her blogs without a smile of complete understanding.

Monday, August 15, 2011

5 weeks

This early in there isn't much to report. I got the first of this pregnancy's picture. I saw a nutritionist today and she said a healthy weight gain for this pregnancy is 15-20 lbs. :( I'm in trouble! LOL

I'm also thinking I'm going to show sooner with this one than I did with Ellie (close to 5 months before I even STARTED getting the baby belly). I'm getting those oh-so-wonderful ligament pains letting me know my body's adjusting to my orange-seed-sized baby. My question is, How much room could he/she possibly need already for me to have an almost steady feeling of "growing"? :)

My Choice

We are all entitled to our choices. Simple things like which percentage milk to buy at the grocery store, when you think the best time to put your children to bed is, how much you let your kid "get away with," what's for dinner. Then there are more important choices that need to be made. Is it time for another baby? What do we do when the next deployment rolls around? Should I go back to school?

Right now I'm in the cross-hairs when it comes to a choice I am making. I am choosing to have a natural childbirth. I am choosing to have my baby in the comforts of birth center or even within my own home. I do not want an OB working on my "case." I do not want to deal with the hospital scene. Don't get me wrong. Doctors are wonderful! I would not have had my daughter if it wasn't for medical intervention. BUT, the chance of me having another breech child is pretty slim.

I have never been one to flow with the current. I make my own decision not based on what the media says is the best thing, or because its been done that way for so long it's the "right" way. I make my decisions based on what I feel is right. My parents have always admired this quality in me, even if it has bitten them in the butt a few times.

Complications can happen. I know this. I'm not naive. I know there is a chance something could go wrong. I know that in the case that something does goes wrong, the safest place to be would be the hospital (credit to those doctors again). I am doing research almost on a daily basis of home births and the use of midwives. I am not a naturalist. I do not "go green" with every aspect of my life. I drive to the store that's not even a half mile away. I take extra long showers (if the kiddo lets me). I don't recycle religiously. I've made my own carbon footprint, and I'm okay with it. But, when it comes to my child being born, I want to go through the testament. I want to experience the emotional roller coaster that a woman has to endure in order to birth her child.

Why should I feel made to feel bad about my decision against make my labor "easy" ??? Americans are constantly seen as the lazy and the spoiled. I fit the bill. But, I want to work for my child. Before we decided to have children, I didn't want any. Once the decision was made though, my entire outlook changed. As soon as I found out I pregnant with Ellie, I knew immediately that I wanted a natural childbirth. I wanted to do what so many of the women before me had done, quite successfully I might had. I did not want a home birth though. I thought it was messy and I didn't want any of that in my home. I took what my insurance company gave me, and in the end, I got my baby.

Now, I'm pregnant again. No one really seems to be against the idea of me giving birth naturally (medicine-free). They think I'm crazy for not wanting the medicine, but it's my choice. But, when it comes to having a child outside of the hospital, that's wrong. You don't birth children in your home. That's from the "old country" and in communes here. Its taboo. The chance of me actually getting what I want in a hospital is just as slim as me having another breech child. You will, without a doubt, get a Hep-loc to start with. Since that's in, getting you any medication to "take the edge off", speed up contractions because they're not happening as fast as the hospital would like (you're occupying a room, meaning less "clients"), or whatever other needs the hospital has just became a lot easier. Quick connection and there you go.

For example. I'm in the hospital. I'm using an OB. My contractions aren't progressing fast enough. I get a dose of pitocin. My chances of having a successful VBAC just dropped. Pitocin not only brings on contractions, they strengthen and lengthen the contractions to heights not normally meet. Oh, it does exactly what it says it does. The stronger contractions now pose a risk for uterine rupture and another c-section in my case.

A excerpt from one of the books I'm reading...
"My wife knew she wanted to have a baby naturally. I was worried. I thought, "Why? We have hospitals and medicines to provide comfort. Why turn it away?" My wife told me she just wanted the right to try. This changed my thinking forever. I would not be a roadblock, because my wife should have the right to try and do what her body was designed to do."

This is my choice. If you don't like it, fine. But please don't expect me to constantly defend myself. If you want to be educated, I will tell you what I know, and what I'm finding out.

Here are a couple sites that have the most accessible information for those wanting it.
American Pregnancy: Using a Midwife
American Pregnancy: Home birth
Baby Center: Planning a Home Birth

Sunday, August 14, 2011

we're all okay

Quite literally.

I've already filled you all in about what's been up with me. So here is a quick update about the rest of the family.

He's patiently waiting on his promotion. He's actually in Sierra Vista, Arizona, receiving more specializing training concerning leadership within his field. He seems to enjoy it well enough. We should be PCS'ing (moving in military terms) in the latter half of the winter, but we don't know where yet. I'm really pushing for anywhere on the East Coast but would be very happy to get Bragg (only 5 hours from home) or ecstatically happy to get Meade or another DC Metro area post. Here's hoping.

She is getting to be so big now! I swear, she is so tall! She's only an inch or two shorter than her 5-year-old cousin! And so freakin adorable some days. Don't get me wrong, she's too much my child to not give me problems. :) I can't believe she'll be FOUR in a matter of weeks (10 weeks actually). She's already giving us birthday and Christmas lists! I've been feeling like I've be stunting her intellectually with all the time I've needed to spend on my own school work, and I hate how easily she gets warped into the TV. (on an honest note, that has proven to be a useful distraction, i.e. how else do you think I could write this?) We just enrolled her in La Petite Academy. She's been telling everyone she's going to school. I love how excited she is!

Why oh why would I include my animals? Two reasons. (1) They are part of the family. (2) Inga and Koda are slowly giving me frustration lines. Here's why. I'm pretty sure they're trying to dig us a basement! They are constantly digging up the side of the house and its driving me batty. If we owned the house, this probably wouldn't phase me as much as it does. But, we're renting. So now, I HAVE to go get rock-filled dirt and then hopefully find some tactic to keep them away from the 4 major holes they've dug.

I'll keep everyone updated as the weeks pass.

Crafting... again

I've picked up the knitting needles again. This is my latest learn how-to. Socks. Yes, there are four needles. I was completely intimidated, but its turning out to be a little easier than I originally thought it would be. I'm still working on the cuff ribbing (approx 4 inches) and I'm told it goes much faster after that. I hope so. I honestly think this has been quite tedious. I really like the self-striping yarn I picked out.

I was also working on a cabled scarf, but I ran out of yarn, and of course I haven't found anymore locally. I've found some online, I just haven't bought it. I really like the scarf I'm making though. Hopefully I'll get more yarn soon so I'll be able to find come winter. Luckily, TX winters don't really start until late November. :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

School is driving me bonkers!!

I never thought the day would come! School used to be so easy for me. I'm not gloating, I promise. It just wasn't something I had to "work" on. A 10 year break can change things though.

I am currently a student at San Antonio College. I have already taken three physical classes and two online classes since the middle of May. I will say, I definitely prefer physical classes now.

My first class was the earlier half of American History with an absolutely wonderful teacher. He was great and really found a way to get me interested in history and how it connects with our current society. Luckily, I had him again for the second half of American History. The last physical class I had was Speech. I took it because I had to. Honestly. Anyone who knows me knows speaking is definitely not a weak spot for me. In my practice speech, where it was just my teacher and me, he actually told me he wishes he could help me, but that there was nothing I needed improvement on. Yes, gloating a little there, but it was a proud moment for me. I got A's in all those classes.

On to my online classes. Maybe taking two sciences at the same time wasn't my best idea, but at the time, I was thinking, I'm not a science fan... I need 4 science classes for my major... Let's knock two out this summer. So I took Chemistry and Geology. I do feel like I actually learned something from my geology class, but I learned NOTHING from my Chemistry class. It was more of a math refresher than anything. Everything I had to memorize was memorized just long enough to pass the tests. Between these two classes I was completely beat down. 40-60 pages of homework a week, 6-10 chapters to read each week, at least one paper, and discussion questions. Not to mention there was a quiz per chapter and a test per week. Basically, it was rough. By far the hardest time I've had (outside of learning Arabic, but that's a completely different story) with learning a subject. I am pretty sure my grade will be high B's in those classes, and honestly, I am more than happy with that!

As I said earlier, I am a student of SAC, but for Fall, I will be taking my classes at one of Alamo's sister schools, Northeast Lakeview College. Its considerably closer to my home and Ellie's daycare is only a three minute drive from campus, which is nice. My fall classes consist of Biology with a Lab, a Photography Class, the second portion of English Composition, an Education class, and a Math class for those in the Education field (learning how to teach math). I'm really looking forward to my classes, but am definitely enjoying my break right now. I don't start the classes until August 22nd, and then its back to work. Wish me luck!

And baby makes 4 :)

or 9 if you include my small zoo :) (Two dogs, a cat and two mice)

Thanks to First Response Prego Tester, here is the proof. We found out on August 5th, but kept it to ourselves (close friends and family excluded) until it was confirmed by the doc that following Monday.

I'm roughly 5 weeks. I have to go to a pregnancy "orientation" class before I get an actual due date, but it'll be mid April (ish). Tom and I are really excited as we've been trying for a couple months.
Ellie had said a number of times that she wants mommy to have a baby brother (meaning for her obviously). She didn't know that Mommy and Daddy were actually trying, but we'd play along. I think it was happening more so because one of my very dear friends, and one of Ellie's favorite people in the whole world, is pregnant.

Every time Ellie would bring it up, I'd simply say, "when God is ready for Mommy to have another baby, that's when it'll happen."

Here is the dialogue (more or less) of when I told Ellie I was pregnant:
Me: Guess what?
Ellie: What?
Me: Mommy has a baby in her belly! (said in a secret voice... because I was telling her a secret so she could tell above mentioned friend who was at the house)
Ellie: You do? God said it was time for you to have a baby brother?!
Me: He sure did!

Its was really cute and an absolutely priceless moment for me.

As of right now, I'm just tired, but not sleepy so much. More of a run-down kind of feeling. I get nauseous pretty easily too, but nothing major. I also noticed today that my moods are swinging a little bit more now. I'm hoping to take at least one picture so I'll have a starting pregnancy picture.

Oh, and for those of you reading this that haven't already heard, we're not finding out the sex of the baby until he or she is born. :)

My intentions are to give pregnancy updates either every or every other Monday. They won't always include pictures, but they will hopefully give people some insight to what's going on here with this munchkin.


Quick reader's digest updates:

We are expecting! Baby Haenke number 2 is on his/her way! I am due mid April, but with Tricare, I have to make an "orientation" appointment before I actually get a real due date. So, I'm almost 5 weeks right now.

I've finished classes 4 and 5, and couldn't be happier. It was, by far, some of the most intense school work I've EVER had to do.

I've picked up knitting again (for a pretty obvious) reason. Right now I'm teaching myself how to make socks. :)

I know, I've been horrible about staying up to date with my blog, and hopefully in the next few days I will be able to get everyone caught up. This was short and to the point. I just want to get it up there. The next three will be more descriptive of what's been going on. :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

{this moment}

"{this moment} is a Friday ritual inspired by SouleMama. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Trouble Sleeping

It's midnight during a full moon. I'm standing alone on the water's edge of the ocean. I'm wearing a billowing white gown and can feel the wind whipping my wavy hair around my face. I can feel the stickiness of the humidity and taste the salt on my lips. I feel the cool water as it rushes over my feet. I feel the water recede. In my mind, I know there is a pier less than half a mile away to my north. Behind, unseen, are the condos where tourists come to enjoy their summer vacations. No one is in them. No one is on the pier. It's just me. The night. The moon. The ocean. The wind. I feel the water... it is progressing and receding in time with my breath. As I am breathing in, the ocean is taking back its precious water. As I exhale, the waves are crashing down and coming upon the beach. Breathe in... breathe out. in... out... in... out...


This is what I see as I'm falling asleep. It is what helps to settle me. It stops my brain from thinking about anything else. I love this scene. Unfortunately, lately, it hasn't been working. I can replay this image over and over in my head. I can concentrate in excess of 30 minutes on my breathing alone, and I'm still awake, two hours later. It took me until 4 o'clock in the morning and two Tylenol PM's to get me to finally fall asleep last night/this morning.

I love my sleep as much as the next person, but I'm not necessarily the most irritable if I don't get it. I'm more irritable if I attempt to take a nap, get to sleep, only to be awoken 15 minutes later. I generally can function just fine on roughly 4 hours of sleep, but here lately, I'm not even getting that. I just can't seem to get my brain to stop moving. It is so frustrating to want to sleep and you can't stop thinking about it long enough to actually fall asleep. I've got out caffeine. I don't get all worked up in the evenings. If I play a video game or something, I make sure I have ample time to calm down before I try to fall asleep.

I'm sure that stress is the main culprit here. And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it until it wants to be handled. I'm hoping that tonight I will be able to sleep more soundly and get there faster, but only time will tell.

Good night!

Yarn Along {2}

Its been an interesting few weeks. I was able to finish the scarf rather quickly and was so excited about how it turned out, I wore it the very next day! I got lots of compliments and when I told them I made it, everyone seemed surprised. One, no one knew I crocheted so two, they all thought I bought it at Target. I do really like it. My daughter, who is only three, tells me I'm "stylish". LOL
Within the past few weeks I traveled north (Washington State)to see my in-laws with my recently returned-from-deployment husband. I was able to finish my Supernanny book, start and finish another, and I'm actually on my third right now. The second book, A Dog's Purpose, by W. Bruce Cameron was a very cute book. It's told through the eyes of a dog who is reincarnated multiple times, trying to find his purpose in life. It made me love my two pups that much more! The third book is a comedic romance novel. Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots by Luann McLane has turned out to much more comedy than romance, and I like that. The author is telling her story in such a charming way that I can't help but to smile as I read it. I'm almost through with this book, and I have no idea what is on my reading list next, but I know I've got lots to choose from in my home library.
Also, while in Washington, I crocheted a cute little lunch bag. Little may not be the right word actually. Without the handle it was about a foot tall. My mother-in-law is an avid tea drinker and has a special thermos for her tea that does fit in the typical square, insulated lunch totes. So, she's been using a gift bag. I saw this and decided that I would surprise her with a new tote made especially to fit her thermos. I had another project planned, so when we went to the craft store, she thought I was buying the yarn for the other project. When she questioned what I was making when she realized it was most definitely not a bag, I just simply said I felt like making a bag. It took about four days total to finish, but actual working time was probably close to 8 hours or so. I surprised her with it one morning, and luckily, she loved it. I believe she had no idea I was making the bag for her.
I also finished up a quilt I had been working on and off for over a year. It was a birthday gift for my sister-in-law, and she loved her little gift as well. Unfortunately, I was in such a rush to get it finished, I didn't get a chance to get any pictures of it. I have asked if she'll send me some pictures so I can post them up. It turned out quite nicely.
As of right now, I don't have any specific craft projects in mind that HAVE to get done. I've got a projects list, but who knows what crafts are going to get done when. Only time will tell, and the next yarn along will have all the new details.
Happy yarning!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fun Puzzle

I got this puzzle a few days ago from my mother and father-in-law, along with their super yummy homemade granola that I can never seem to make right. The puzzle was easy to put together, and its just cute to have around.

Also, a quick picture of a dishrag I completed as a knitting project. I finished it back in January, but never posted it. Not a great picture but I just wanted to get it up here.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yarn Along {One}

I am trying something new out. I found a web group/blog that posts what they're reading and projects they're working on. The majority of the projects consist of knitting and crocheting, but occasionally you find other crafts as well. I figured with all the projects on my to-do list, this may help me get projects done. You can follow her blog here at Yarn Along .

I decided the first project I wanted to work on would be a crocheted shawl. I originally got this project as a birthday gift from my sister-in-law. The kit included a beautiful bamboo hook, two spools of yarn, and the instructions. Don't ask why I hadn't gotten to it sooner, because I have no idea.

I started working on it two nights ago. To say I was aggravated is putting it lightly though. The hook is a 9.00m hook, and the yarn is more like thick thread. I knew the patter said it was an "open/airy" shawl, but wow, I could barely make the chain for this. Mind you, I've been crocheting since I was in grade school thanks to my Mom showing me how. Its what I did on my hour long bus rides (and read). I'm sure most everyone can agree that working the second row is generally the most "irritating," but the chain, by far the simplest! I could make out front from back. It was constantly twisting. When I finally made it to the second row, the only thing I can say it reminded me of was a bunch of pretzels. I looked at the pattern again thinking maybe I was doing something wrong, and nope. Even better, the pattern was categorized as easy. At least I knew that it wasn't me, it was just the thread/hook combination that was frustrating. I did eventually get it, and once I finished the second row, I put it down for the night...

... just in the wrong spot.

My three year old daughter decided that it was just too pretty NOT to play with. I found it in undone, and in one giant knot. No, I wasn't happy. I put it away, and later last night, with the help of my husband, untangled the mess. It took close to an hour, and I wasn't willing to cut away at the knots just to make it easier. I got the chain and the second row done quite quickly. After that, the pattern started moving quickly. I didn't put it down until my sixth row (or something like that).

As far as reading goes, I'm currently reading Ask Supernanny: What Every Parent Wants to Know by Jo Frost. Not that I really think my kiddo is that much of a pain, but a suggestion here and there can't hurt. I'm really picking up some good ideas, and she conveys it in ways that make it seem completely doable.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Projects List

I'm a crafter. Its what I do. I crochet. I scrapbook. I quilt and sew. I knit and paint (two new ones). I use my hands. I like to put myself into the gifts I give those I love. Its cheesey, I know, but it's me. I'm also "frugal" (read: CHEAP). If I see something at a store or in a book, I would rather buy the materials, or recycle things at home, and make it myself. I get an immense sense of satisfaction from completing numerous projects. Here's my problem. I have too many projects, too many crafts. I want Ellie to love crafting as much as I do, but I don't really want her to get into the my habit of numerous incomplete projects, or getting the materials for the projects, and then not doing them at all. I've got patterns, fabric, yarn, canvases, paints, and the list goes on and on. As of right now, here is my to do list of projects:

Five paintings
Ellie's baby book
Addyson's scrap baby quilt (for mandi)
Crocheted christmas cards
3 ragdolls
4 quilted wall hangings
Quilted table runner
Crocheted lace shawl
Sampler quilt
Crocheted Rectangular Granny Square Blanket
Sew Black summer pants
various scrapbook pages

Some of these things are things that can obviously wait, but I know I need to set a priority list to get them done. I also know that I need to get them done, period. My goal right now is to finish these projects, post pictures throughout and at the completion, and not pick up any new crafts until they're done!

This is going to be a good, and PRODUCTIVE, crafting year! I can feel it!

Tom's Home

The kids waiting for their Daddies
B Co 201st, Tom is 2nd squad, 1st soldier

The reunion

If anyone has been following my facebook page, you will know that Tom, and the 201st, has made it home safe and sound. They came home 1 yr exactly from the day they left, Valentine's Day. Granted, Ellie and I didn't get the actual reunion until 1 o'clock in the morning on the 15th, but we survived. We had been told that the unit's plane would be arriving around 10 0r 10:30, so Ellie and I decided to go to the reception a little early and help out if needed. Nothing was needed of course, but there were lots of kids for Ellie to play with, including Lily. Lily and Ellie used to play together all the time, but for relationships going their separate ways (i.e. Mommy became somewhat of a hermit), Ellie didn't go play that often. When they saw each other, the reunion was so sweet and touching. I loved it, and honestly felt bad that I hadn't given Ellie more opportunities to play with Lily. It was quite entertaining to watch two little bossy girls try to boss the other one around, and neither would give in. Ellie is DEFINITELY my child!

I was expecting that she would be cranky and a handful to, for lack of a better word, deal with. She was awesome. Of course I had to use my "mommy voice" a couple of times, but I was expecting so much worse. She played, and laughed, and danced all night until the guys came home. When they were getting us ready for their arrival, she was so excited. Of course, his particular company came in last, but he's tall, so he was one of the first of that group to come in. I had her standing on my lap so she could see better, and as soon as she saw him, she yelled, "There's my Daddy! I see him! He's home!!" It was so sweet. She kept waving at him, and yes, he was smiling, but trying to maintain his bearing. It was relatively quiet, and she looks down at me and says, "Mommy, he's not waving back at me. He doesn't see me." I'm assuming Tom heard her because as she was turning around, I could see he was in fact waving at her, just down at his hip. I pointed this out to her, and she just lit up, just knowing that Daddy knew she was there. It was such a heartfelt moment.

Once the families were allowed to "find their soldier," I let Ellie bolt off to find Daddy. It took no time at all! She was so happy to be with Daddy. She really did miss him. He even offered to take her to the bathroom when she announced that she had to "pot-ty" (She says this super proper now, its really cute.) Unfortunately, they only had one stall, so he brought her back to me and I took her. We gathered up all of Tom's belongings and headed home.

I am so happy about the relationship between Ellie and Tom. I had been really worrying about how it was going to be. I know some child shy away, but Ellie is all about Daddy now. There are still times when she wants Mommy over Daddy, but I'm expecting that. I even went out shopping for a number of hours yesterday and left Daddy to take care of Ellie on his own. Honestly, the time kinda got away from me, but when I called to let him know I was on my way home, everything had been going great. He got her down for a nap. They had been playing. He was actually in the middle of making dinner when I called. I was speechless.

The transition has been much smoother than I expected, and for that I am very, VERY grateful.

"Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations." ~Faith Baldwin

Child Rearing

I've been reading up on a book my mother bought for both my sister and I to help with child rearing. Its the Supernanny's book. I have gotten some decent ideas, but I've also realized I'm doing a pretty damn good job too :) My mother didn't buy us these books to tell us that we needed help bringing up our children, but more as a helpful resource. I think, and I think I can safely speak for my sister as well, that our parents did a great job bringing us up, and preparing us. Although some of their methods are methods we pick and choose from, I still feel as though I am who I thanks to their guidance, if not entirely.
As child-less adults we have these huge expectations of what our children will and will not do. They will eat all their vegetables. They won't make a ruckus in the grocery store. They will be exceedingly polite to their elders. We see the families with loud and obnoxious kids and think, oh, my child will never be like that. Why don't they just... (fill in the blank)?

And then we become parents. There is no manual. There is no one holding our hands telling us what to do when YOUR child is unruly. There is no one there looking over your shoulder, giving you a pat on the back to say, great job. Its all instinct. Its all the wisdom from your family. Its the sympathy of other parents. No one can understand what it's like to be a parent until you are a parent. Its that simple.
As we look at our infants sleeping, we think, wow, how did this happen? Why did God choose to bless me with this beautiful child? How am I going to do this? Will a be everything I need to be for this child? The simple answer? Yes. God knew you could do this, and wanted you to experience your own child. He wanted you to know true selfless sacrifice. He wanted you to know how to love more than you ever thought possible.
During those first few months, we're exhausted, hungry, and sometimes resentful. And then you watch your baby smile at you for the first time. Or you see her roll over for the first time. Or you listen to her babbles as she "talks" back to you. Yes, you don't get to sleep until whenever, or for as long as you'd like. Yes, feeding an infant is time consuming. Yes, you can't go out and do some of the things you want to do because you're a parent now. But ask yourself... Isn't it all worth it? You know, deep down, the answer will always be yes.

Fast forward a few months, and they're walking... no running! How did this happen? Just a mere two months ago, they could barely crawl, and now they're running from you? You're having to use "no" more often. You're learning that you are completely and utterly wrapped around that kiddo's little finger. Now you're worried, am I spoiling her? How do I know when to deprive her and when to give in? They have no idea they're being spoiled (at least not yet). They are still ridiculously excited about every toy, every treat they get. They are loved, and that's all that matters.

You get to witness this little human being discover the world. You get to see how they interact with all the things we take for granted, like the feel of soft, cool grass between your toes on a hot summer day. You get to see the pure amazement in a child's face when they see the colors of the clouds. You get to hear the pure joy and glee coming from a child's innocent laugh as a dog licks her cheek. Parenting is a blessing regardless of anything else.
As they grow, so does their independence, their individuality. How many times have I found myself looking at the clock, thinking, is it bedtime yet? How does this child keep going? I never had that much energy! A lie, I know, but I don't remember it! Toddlers/Preschoolers have a growing vocabulary, that includes backtalk. How you discipline your child is personal. Do you choose timeouts, or spankings? Do you exclude them from activities? Do you ignore it and hope the unwanted behavior goes away on its own, hoping its just a phase? I've done them all! You are the only one who has to be with your child for extended periods of time. What you and your partner decide is the best approach for disciplining that child is what you have decided. As long as you're not physically or emotionally abusing your child, you don't have to defend your choice. Sometimes you realize that one approach was working for a while, and now its not. You adapt. You make it work. You establish that you love them, but that you are still in control. Hard? Without question. My child is sometimes an angel one hour and a little imp the next. There are so many questions that come from bringing a child into this world. Most answers are found through trial and error. Listen to the suggestions and advice of those before you. Take them seriously. Never listen to someone when they tell you you're a bad parent. Let the grandparents be grandparents. Let them love watching you go through the same things they went through with you. Take it with a grain of salt if you must.

But always remember, its always worth it. Always remember, the love you feel for your child cannot be broken. Always remember, you're child loves you too.
Also, just wanted to point out that this is all just my opinion of things. I don't study children or parenting. I'm experiencing this whole thing just like the rest of you. I just had a few things on my mind that I felt like writing about.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kiddie Day Care

Today was a very entertaining day. This morning I had to reschedule a doctor appointment for Ellie for a physical and when I went to do it, I found out she doesn't even need an appointment! I just have to drop off the paperwork and pick it up a couple of days later. So I took care of that, and then Ellie, Parker and I went off to my house. Lucky me, Sunshyne and Hannah were there waiting for me. So Sunshyne and I started unpacking, again, and start making some decent headway, when Sarah comes over! That's when the real magic happened. Those two are amazing at unpacking! My house only has the random stuff to put away, and they are so organized... I don't know what I would have done without them! A little while later, Sarah has to leave to pick up Warren, and Sunshyne and Hannah have to leave to pick up Adria. So now its just Ellie and Parker playing nicely in the TWO playrooms. Another friend comes over to drop her two kids, Kaiser and Polly Rose, off for me to watch while she's working. Sarah makes it back with Warren. So now the total kid count is five, under five. They had a blast together. They were in and out playing in the backyard, having a great time playing with all the toys, watching movies and "reading." It was kinda crazy to see all these kids in my house, when had this been back in November, when I still lived in the apartment, it would have, without question, felt overwhelming! I LOVE MY NEW PLACE! Sarah and I did eventually decide to stay at Sarah's house for the nice simply because of the move-in conditions. Plus, I think the boys were getting tired of playing with all the girly toys! So, dinner was pizza, and the kids expended a ton of energy playing together. It was a very entertaining day. It's happening all over again tomorrow!

Moving In

And I'm doing it slowly!

I signed for our rental house today, and I love it! Its already getting the "homey" feel. There were some curtains up already that will DEFINITELY be coming down, but all in due time. My friend Sunshyne actually came over the the house to help me get some boxes unloaded. We arranged the furniture to our liking, at least for now. We set up the tables (none of which had legs). We started on the built in book shelves. Pictures will be posted after the boxes are gone. I'm giving myself the week to get everything situated, but if it takes a bit longer, so be it. My cut off is to be moved in and box free by the time Tom comes home, and that, I know, is completely doable. And before I forget, the moving company I used was awesome! Quick, efficient and very friendly. if you're interested. :)

Earlier in the week, I realized my tire was flat. Luckily, my father believes that EVERYONE should know how to change their tire. I agree. So, I got the kids some lunches made, brought out their table (looks just like a picnic table) and while they proceeded to enjoy their picnic, I changed my tire. Ellie loved coming over and watching me. Once I got the bolts most of the way off, I'd let her unscrew them the rest of the way. Of course she wanted to put the spare tire on, and threw a bit of a fit when I told her it was just too heavy for her, but eventually realized that Mommy was right. (I let her try to pick it up.) It was nice having her help me with something like that. And while she wasn't helping me, she was either playing with Parker, or eating her lunch in the sunshine. It was a much more pleasant experience than I had anticipated. I actually got the flat taken care of today. I tend to have the luck that says I will have to replace the tire, but it only needed a repair thankfully.

As I'm sitting here, thinking about everything that has to happen to get moved in, I'm also thinking about how much I'm going to miss being around Sarah and the boys. Yes, at times it felt a little chaotic, but what else is to be expected with three young kids running around? Its comforting here with them. I love having someone I can talk to around, as well as someone I don't feel like I have to fill the silence with either. I KNOW Ellie absolutely loves having playmates 24/7. That's going to be a big adjustment, for the both of us. It is quite convenient that I don't have to be her sole source of friendly entertainment. We'll get back in the swing of things, and luckily Sarah and the boys are only about a mile away, IF THAT! We could have a nice morning or afternoon walk over there for a playdate if either of us wanted it.

On a crafting note, I've been working on a knitting project that I've already frogged twice because I lost my stitch count and didn't realize until way late, of course. So, it will get done, if for no other reason than to say, dang it, It's Done! I'm hoping to start participating in a crafting blog that a friend turned me on to. I just need to settle a bit and once my house is moved into, and my internet set up, I will be able to get things moving.

Until then, sleep well, and love the present!

Monday, January 17, 2011

We're moving... :)

We found a new place to live! Its considerably bigger than our apartment and the biggest thing is its got a GREAT backyard for Ellie and the pups to play in! We'll probably get a little playset/house so she'll have some outside activities. We move in on Monday, and I'm really excited. Ellie... not so much. She keeps telling me that she wants us to go back to our apartment. Even though she went with me to see the house, and she loved it at the time, she wants to go back to "home." I understand. I also know that I need to prepare myself for some serious adjustment issues for the move, as well as Tom's return home.

On a side note, I had a very tired little munchkin tonight. She didn't take a nap tonight so we were already planning an early bedtime. I was letting her read her stories to herself, as is part of our routine, while I folded up the laundry. Once I was done, we started our "cuddle time," which consists of, well, cuddling, while I read her a story or two. Well, I hadn't made it through the first story before she was sound asleep, snoring every so slightly. She looked so sweet and innocent. I definitely had an "I miss this" moment.

I really do love being a mother. :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back in TX

I made in back to Texas safe and sound. My Dad was nice enough to take me up the airport at some ridiculously early hour and then Ellie and I were left with a choice to make. Southwest, as is typical of them, overbooked their flight to San Antonio. They were offering to guarantee a flight on the next outgoing flight, give a voucher the original ticket, AND add an additional $300 to that voucher. I REALLY wanted to take the deal. It was pretty amazing right?! But, given that the next outgoing flight wasn't for another 5 hours, I just couldn't pull myself to make Ellie wait in an airport for that long. So, cest le vie.

Our flight was a tad bit late, but that's okay. It gave Sarah, whom I super grateful to for more than just picking us up, a chance to pick up her son from pre-K and then back to us. After that I had the opportunity to check out the place that I'm hoping we're able to rent. I got the paperwork ready to fill out and now I just have to go up the folks running the house, and hopefully negotiate a lower price. I'm really excited about the prospect of this house. Sarah actually showed me a house, about two blocks away from the prospective house that's running for over $100 less! I'm totally going to use that as leverage for negotiating the price.

I also just started working out again, and am quite proud at how long I was able to run today. It felt really good to be back in the gym. What else? Oh, I'm working on my knitting still. I'm working on an "open star" pattern, that's eventually going to be a dishcloth. Silly, I know, but its a start!