Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 15, 2010

This evening I'm writing to you from a hotel in east Memphis, Tennessee. 12 hours of driving down, about 13 more to go. The trip has gone pretty smoothly, and alternating driving time with Tom has helped considerably with the passing time. He actually drive for six hours which was really nice considering I got to get some pretty good sleep for two hours. The first part of the trip was my duty to drive and it was boring. There was plenty of daylight so Tom got to read his book. I got to jam out to some good ole country. The next portion was Tom's, so we listened to NPR for SIX HOURS!!! Wow. That's a lot of talking. The next portion, the final portion, was my turn again. This is where my gratitude came in.

Earlier on NPR, a writer of a magazine article came "out of the closet." Her secret was her faith. That led to some very good discussions between Tom and me. We had some very entertaining conversations that had nothing to do with religion, and the subjecct eventually moved on to the spiritual world. We spoke about ghosts, angels and demons... we spoke about God, and what He meant to us. We spoke about the various religions of the world and how extremists destroy the truth behind the religion. We spoke about how the die-hard atheists and the emphatic evangelistic religious pracitioners have made it impossible for normal, every day christians to be proud about their religions.

It was wonderful being able to speak so openly and freely with him about such a tough subject in our home. It made my four hours fly by and we learned quite a bit about one another. This trip is definitely turning into a trip of spousal discovery. That could be taken with a smile, but you all know what I mean. There were topics breached that normally made us both very uncomfortable, and today, they seemed to flow freely, without any effort to try at all. I'm grateful that my mother suggested we make this trip together, sans baby. I'm grateful that the comfort level between my husband and I has grown yet again. And finally, I'm grateful that God has let us make the choice to find one another once again.

Good night.

**note: this was written on the 15th, but wasn't inputed into the journal until the 16th when I had an internet connection.

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