Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010

I started out thinking that tonight's entry would be hard to find. I've been helping Tom load up for his "year long leave," and to be completely honest, it's down right depressing. I'm going to just start writing down what I'm thinking and eventually, I know it'll get positive.

I know his unit, and a still know a few folks in the unit. I trust these guys to keep Tom safe and keep his morale up while he's over there. I know that the camaraderie that deployed soldiers is akin to that of a blood-line family, and only they will know what they truly had to endure while over there. His unit takes care of their soldiers and that's definitely something I appreciate. They help with not only the soldiers' concerns, but also those concerns of the families left behind.

This is Tom's second deployment, and my first to go at it alone. I know that we can manage the distance, and I'm seeing a more independent woman after all is said and done. I know that this deployment will bring Ellie and I closer still, and that's something amazing in my eyes. I was looking at pictures of her from only a year ago, and I can't believe how much she's changed. Being that we don't want Ellie to lose (too much) of her bond with Tom, he's going to record himself reading stories for her. We're planning on putting them on CD so that I can play them in the car for her, as well as in her room after we've gotten a CD player.

As I was looking at all the gear Tom has to take with him, I started laughing. Why, oh why, would Tom's unit need 85% of the stuff they're required to take with them?! That's when I realized that the old saying comes very true right now. Its better to be safe than sorry. Tom has some pretty cool stuff, that yes, he probably will never use, but in the odd chance that he does, the Army has provided. I know that he has been trained to the best of his ability, and that the Army has given him every opportunity to be trained.

I know he's going to be in a hazardous area, but at least he's prepared. I know he'll be as safe as the unit can make the area. I know my prayers for his safety will be heard. When there is so much that is uncertain, the best thing I can do for myself and my daughter is to concentrate on what I do know.

"We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free."
-- Ronald Reagan

Good night.

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